今又是《A Cherry Sun》

今又是《A Cherry Sun》_图1-1

It is a ripened cherry

Cherished the dimming rays

A stream winds on its surface

Where shines the uncertainty

A road by a cliff

A cliff in the wind

Lie quietly the shadows

Confiscating the anguished

It’s just a tin song

Rattling the blinking stars

All but the vintage smiles

Amplifying the darn old Greek chant

Rippling over the Ionian Sea

The vast velvet grace  

Forever Almighty the chrisom abundance

Orchestrates the ancient triumph tunes

Dropped along at its time

Stummed in the silence

Same mellow sour taste

With the wicked sweet charms

Hush the bush

Gush the lush

Push the rush

Flush the splash

Float like a dream

Rocked by the moon

A high mountain mill

A giant wind wheel


Everything is to be washed away

But a cherry-red poem

