在美国,常听见“decent”这词,可以说某人很“decent”,某人住的街区、房子很“decent”, 某人的行为很“decent”, 某人找到一个工资很“decent”的工作,等等。这“decent”一词相当于我们中国汉语中的什么词汇呢?我想最好听听汉语学得不错的英美人士怎么说。
英国驻澳门副领事Henry Bencraft Joly 把中国的名著《红楼梦》译成了英文。那大概是光绪年间的事,那译本早就没版权了,人人都可以在网上下载,想翻看的话,方便得很。《红楼梦》中词汇丰富,哪些词汇在Joly看来表达了英语中“decent”一词的意思呢?让我们来翻翻Joly英译的《红楼梦》。
He is also advanced in years, and doesn’t care about any decent manners; his sole delight is wine; and when he gets drunk, there isn’t a single person whom he won’t abuse.
Joly认为这里尤氏说的“体面”就是英语里的“decent manners”。
Yesterday, one would scarcely believe it, a fight occurred in the school-room, and some pupil or other who attends that class, somehow insulted him; besides, in this business, there were a good many indecent and improper utterances, but all these he went and told his sister!
Joly认为这里尤氏说的“不干不净的话”就是英语里的“indecent utterances”。
So after much wavering, he picked out only several volumes of those whose style was more refined, and took them in, and threw them over the top of his bed for him to peruse when no one was present; while those coarse and very indecent ones, he concealed in a bundle in the outer library.
While speaking, she again faced Hsiao Hung. “My dear girl,” she smiled, “what a trouble you’ve been put to! But you speak decently, and unlike the others who keep on buzz-buzz-buzz, like mosquitoes!
Joly认为这里凤姐说的“说的齐全”就是英语里的“speak decently”。
Ch’ing Wen heard these remarks. “Sister,” she interposed smiling ironically, “since you’ve got the gift of the gab, you should have come at once; you would then have spared your master his fit of anger. It’s you who have from bygone days up to the present waited upon master; we’ve never had anything to do with attending on him; and it’s because you’ve served him so faithfully that he repaid you yesterday with a kick on the stomach. But who knows what punishment mayn’t be in store for us, who aren’t fit to wait upon him decently!”
Joly认为这里晴雯说的“会伏侍”(即”伏侍得好“)就是英语里的“wait upon decently”。
Hsi Jen blushed and laughed significantly. “They simply came out with some of those jokes of theirs,” she explained. “What decent things could such as they have had to tell me?
黛玉听了不觉红了脸,笑道: “人家把你当个正经人,才把心里烦难告诉你听,你反拿我取笑儿!”
At this insinuation, Tai-yue unconsciously blushed scarlet. “One treats you,” she smiled, “as a decent sort of person, and confides in you the woes of one’s heart, and, instead of sympathising with me, you make me the means of raising a laugh!”
Joly认为这里黛玉说的“正经人”就是英语里的“decent sort of person”。
That’s why we thought of choosing some home-born girl out of those which throng in our mansion, but then again we could find none decent enough; for if her looks were not at fault, her disposition was not proper; and if she possessed this quality, she lacked that one.
Joly认为这里邢夫人说的“好的”就是英语里的“decent enough”。
“Hsi Jen,” she added; “is a person not fond of any fuss, so tell her that it’s I who have given the orders; and impress upon her that she must put on several nice, coloured clothes, and pack up a large valise full of wearing apparel. Her valise, must be a handsome one; and she must take a decent hand-stove. Bid her too first come and look me up here when she’s about to start.”
“Those two dames are pleasant enough,” Pao-yue smiled, “and they know how to speak decently; but it’s they who get quite worn out every day, and they contrariwise say that you’ve got ample to do daily. Now, doesn’t this amount to bragging and boasting?”
Joly认为这里宝玉说的“会说话”(也就是前面凤姐说的“说的齐全”)就是英语里的“speak decently”。
P’ing Erh and the other servants then promptly told her the various reasons. “She’s just bent,” they proceeded, “upon finding a few weighty concerns in order to establish, at the expense of any decent person who might chance to present herself, a precedent of some kind or other so as to fix upon a mode of action, which might help to put down expenses to their proper level, and afford a lesson to the whole household;
Joly认为这里平儿说的“体面的人”就是英语里的“decent person”。