這個伟大的国家,美國,建立在一个基本原则之上:人,生而平等。可是,政策和法律對某些种族的特殊优待, 卻破壞了這個公平原則。因爲,資源是有限的。如慾優待某些种族,只有虐待(歧視)其他种族。这两者是同一硬币的两面,前者无法脫離后者而存在。而基於种族的歧视性待遇,就是种族主义。SCA5 (Senate Constitutional Amendment 5, introduced by California State Senator Edward Hernandez, a Mexican American politician, on December 12/3/2012. It asks voters to eliminate California Proposition 209's ban on the use of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in recruitment, admissions, and retention programs at California's public universities and colleges. 允許加州的公立大學在招收和保留學生時,特別照顧拉丁裔和非裔) 就是这样一项種族主義的法案。这项法案与美国的建国原则背道而驰,与美国的宪法背道而驰。它打著反種族主義的幌子,鼓吹對亞裔及其他族群的種族歧視。
這是纯粹的種族主義。一個人的種族,與生俱來,無法改變,是每一個人的生理基礎(physical essense)。因此,这不是政治问题,而是公民权利问题,人权问题。如果奥运會资格测试對非裔美国运动员的要求比對其他族裔的运动员更嚴苛,如果非裔取得資格的門檻比亞裔及白人的高,他們必須跑得更快,跳的更高才能获得参赛资格,您认为公平吗?还是您会控诉,這是種族主義?如果NBA和NFL根据种族比例來分配运动员的配额,您认为公平吗?还是您会控诉,這是種族主義?可是,SCA5在教育领域提出了同样的荒唐要求:如果你是亚裔美国人,那么我们的公立大学不歡迎你,你必须跨過比非裔,墨裔高得多,難得多的門檻,才能进入我们由纳税人资助的公立大学!
诚然,很多亞裔美国学生进入了好的大学,但这并不是因为他們获得了任何種族优待。不是的!恰恰相反,亞裔美国人在這片充滿機會的土地上一直遭受種種歧视。从过去的排华法案(“中國佬的机会”一词就是在那个时候产生的,當時,它意味著毫無機會),到常春藤盟校的限制以及许多好的公立大学对亞裔美国人的歧视性做法等等。亞裔美國人往往必須比其他人做的更好,付出更多的汗水和犧牲,才能得到同樣的機遇。亞裔美国学生在教育上的成就,是在他们克服许多歧視,以及文化和人为的障碍后,才实现的。他们能够进入較好的大学,是因为他们的努力、决心, 和作出的牺牲。而这,难道不正是美国精神吗?任何在教育上做出類似努力的人,都会取得相似, 甚至更高的成就。所以,请不要用种族歧视,来“纠正”文化上的差异, 請不要惩罚對工作,對學習的努力;请不要僅僅因为某人是亚裔美国人,就剥夺他们的美国梦。
學習, 就像夢想,是很個人化的事情。如果你勤奮努力,品學兼優,各個方面都符合甚至超過你心儀的大學的招生標準,卻僅僅因爲是亞裔而被拒,那麽,再多的亞裔上了好大學,又與你何干?你的夢想依然破滅。難道其他亞裔會補償你嗎 ?不會。 (亞裔的回饋,如稅收等,是給全社會的。如果亞裔只回饋亞裔,那會被批為種族主義)難道社會會補償你嗎?不會!所以,请不要僅僅因为某人是亚裔美国人,就剥夺他们的美国梦。
This great country of ours is built on a core principle: that all men are created equal, no matter their race, ethnic groups, or country of origin. The preferential treatment of some people based on race or ethnic group breaks this principle. Because, such preferential treatment translates to discriminatory treatment of other people based on race or ethnic group, these are two sides of one coin, the former cannot exist without the latter, and, discriminatory treatment of people based on race or ethnic group is the textbook definition of racism. SCA5 is just such a bill. This bill is diametrically opposite of our founding principle of United States, it is diametrically opposite of our United States constitution. It hides behind the guise of anti-racism, while promoting racial discrimination against Asians and other ethnic groups.
The discriminatory treatment to my people based on race and ethnic group is an assault on my DNA, on my heritage, on the essence of who I am. It is racism, pure and simple. Thus, it is a civil rights issue, a human rights issue, it's not a political one. If Olympic qualification standards are more stringent for African American athletes than for others, if African American athletes have to run much faster or jump much higher than other athletes to be qualified for the competition, do you think it's fair? Or do you cry racism? If NBA and NFL allocated athlete quotas based on racial proportions , do you think it's fair? Or do you cry racism? SCA5 is proposing the similar ridiculous rules in education: if you are an individual of Asian American background, then you are not welcome to our public universities, you have to “run” much faster or “jump” much higher to enter our public universities, built on Tax payers’money.
Racism is a slippery downhill road. Today, it starts in California, tomorrow, it can spread to other states; today, it starts in higher education, tomorrow, people can use the same “reason” to set discriminatory treatment in job recruitment/retention, in promotion, in government hiring, even in elections, etc., etc. Racism laws are unfair to individuals, they tear up our society, create tension, friction, and conflict among different ethnic groups. The United States will become the Divided States of different Ethnic Groups. We have to ask ourselves, do we really want to slide down this road?
Granted, lots of Asian American students enter good universities, but, this is not because they got any preferential treatment based on their race or ethnic group. No. To the contrary, Asian Americans have always been discriminated against one way or another in this land of opportunity. From the Chinese Exclusion laws (“Chinaman’s chance” was coined at that time.) of yesteryears, to the limits of Ivy Leagues and discriminatory practices of many public universities tailored to Asian American individuals. Etc., etc. The achievement of Asian American students in education is reached despite lots discrimination they have to fight, many cultural obstacles they have to overcome, and many man-made hoops they have to jump through. They were able to enter good universities because of their hard work, determination, and sacrifice. Isn't this precisely American spirit? Any people with the similar dedication to education will achieve the same or even higher level of success. So, please don't use racial discrimination to “correct” cultural difference. Please don't punish hard-working individuals and rob his or her American dream just because he or she is an Asian American.
“study” , like “dream”, is a very personal thing. If you work very hard, excel academically, and meet or even exceed the admission standards of the university you desire in every aspect, but are rejected simply because you are Asian American, then what does it matter that other Asians have gotten into good universities? Your dream is still shattered. Will other Asian Americans compensate you? (lol—Asian American contributions, like taxes, are for society as a whole. If Asian Americans only gave back to other Asian Americans, they would be criticized for racism.) Will society compensate you? No! So, please, do not strip someone of their American Dream just because they are Asian American.
Racism is diametrically against the major principles this great country is found on, in long term, it is not good for anybody. Whether you are Asian American, whether you have kids, whether you live in California, whether you are Republican or Democrats, as long as you support United States’ constitution, please stand with us and say no to SCA5.
My two cents, Thank you!
Davis Jihai Liu 3/4/2014