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9月18日消息,一名持有新西兰护照的三岁女童日前在澳洲墨尔本被有意遗弃。   据新西兰先驱报报导,9月15日,澳洲墨尔本南十字(Southern Cross Station)火车站的安全人员发现了一名无人照料的女孩,经调查发现这名女孩是被有意遗弃。

  18日晨,确认该3岁女童名为薛倩薰 (音:Qian Xun Xue),遗弃她的是其父亲薛乃银 (音:Xue Naiyin),薛乃银是一家奥克兰中文媒体Chinese Times One Group的主管。

  这名被澳洲警方称作“小南瓜”(因她身着Pumpkin Patch品牌衣服)的女孩年龄大约三岁。



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Abandoned: Qian Xun Xue (Supplied: Victoria Police Media)

  薛乃银十二年前从中国辽宁移居新西兰,是新西兰华人媒体集团Chinese Times One Group的主管,居住在奥克兰的Mt Roskill区,他也据称是一名武术专家,也教授他人太极拳。薛乃银三个月之前和薛倩薰的母亲安妮(Anni)分居,目前安妮下落不明。新西兰警方希望知情人士帮助寻找安妮。另有消息说,薛乃银债务沉重,十分沮丧。新西兰警方呼吁各界提供更多的有关本案的信息。

750) this.width=750' src=http://space.wenxuecity.com/gallery/others/4ouey4i.jpg onclick=document.location='http://'>
 现年五十四岁的薛乃印三个月之前和薛千寻二十七岁的母亲刘安妮(Anni Liu)分居,目前刘安妮下落不明。新西兰警方目前对安妮的处境十分担心,她自十日以后就失踪了。



  当地英文媒体报道:Fears for 'Pumpkin's' mum, hunt on for dad

  New Zealand police say they hold "grave concerns" for the safety of the mother of the young girl who was abandoned in Melbourne at the weekend.

  Qian Xun Xue, nicknamed 'Pumpkin', was left at Southern Cross Station on Saturday after flying in to Melbourne from New Zealand with her father Michael Xue.

  Investigators believe Mr Xue caught a flight to America after abandoning the toddler at the station.

  Mr Xue and his wife Annie Liu moved to New Zealand from northern China 12 years ago and published a Chinese language magazine called The Chinese Times.

  Mr Xue recently separated from Ms Liu and was reportedly having financial problems.

  New Zealand police have searched the homes where Ms Liu is thought to have lived, but have not yet managed to locate her.

  Inspector Brad Shallies says Mr Xue is known to New Zealand police and there are fears for the girl's mother's safety.

  "From an overall perspective I do harbour some concerns the longer it goes without hearing from her," he said.

  "My hope is that she is simply just scared and overcome by the attention now generated and may have just gone to ground somewhere."

  Interpol is helping in the hunt for Mr Xue.

  New Zealand MP Pansy Wong knows the family and says the Chinese community in New Zealand is shocked by Mr Xue's behaviour.

新西兰华文媒体主管遗弃三岁女儿逃往美国(图/视频) 综合新闻


  据新西兰先驱报报导,9月15日,澳洲墨尔本南十字(Southern Cross Station)火车站的安全人员发现了一名无人照料的女孩,经调查发现这名女孩是被有意遗弃。

  18日晨,确认该3岁女童名为薛倩薰 (音:Qian Xun Xue),遗弃她的是其父亲薛乃银 (音:Xue Naiyin),薛乃银是一家奥克兰中文媒体Chinese Times One Group的主管。

  这名被澳洲警方称作“小南瓜”(因她身着Pumpkin Patch品牌衣服)的女孩年龄大约三岁。



Abandoned: Qian Xun Xue (Supplied: Victoria Police Media)

  薛乃银十二年前从中国辽宁移居新西兰,是新西兰华人媒体集团Chinese Times One Group的主管,居住在奥克兰的Mt Roskill区,他也据称是一名武术专家,也教授他人太极拳。薛乃银三个月之前和薛倩薰的母亲安妮(Anni)分居,目前安妮下落不明。新西兰警方希望知情人士帮助寻找安妮。另有消息说,薛乃银债务沉重,十分沮丧。新西兰警方呼吁各界提供更多的有关本案的信息。

  现年五十四岁的薛乃印三个月之前和薛千寻二十七岁的母亲刘安妮(Anni Liu)分居,目前刘安妮下落不明。新西兰警方目前对安妮的处境十分担心,她自十日以后就失踪了。



  当地英文媒体报道:Fears for 'Pumpkin's' mum, hunt on for dad

  New Zealand police say they hold "grave concerns" for the safety of the mother of the young girl who was abandoned in Melbourne at the weekend.

  Qian Xun Xue, nicknamed 'Pumpkin', was left at Southern Cross Station on Saturday after flying in to Melbourne from New Zealand with her father Michael Xue.

  Investigators believe Mr Xue caught a flight to America after abandoning the toddler at the station.

  Mr Xue and his wife Annie Liu moved to New Zealand from northern China 12 years ago and published a Chinese language magazine called The Chinese Times.

  Mr Xue recently separated from Ms Liu and was reportedly having financial problems.

  New Zealand police have searched the homes where Ms Liu is thought to have lived, but have not yet managed to locate her.

  Inspector Brad Shallies says Mr Xue is known to New Zealand police and there are fears for the girl's mother's safety.

  "From an overall perspective I do harbour some concerns the longer it goes without hearing from her," he said.

  "My hope is that she is simply just scared and overcome by the attention now generated and may have just gone to ground somewhere."

  Interpol is helping in the hunt for Mr Xue.

  New Zealand MP Pansy Wong knows the family and says the Chinese community in New Zealand is shocked by Mr Xue's behaviour.



  这个叫薛倩薰(音:Qian Xun Xue)的女孩周六在墨尔本被发现。在人们知道她的姓名前,她一直被称作"南瓜"(Pumpkin),这是因为她当时身上穿着Pumpkin Patch牌子的衣服。

  澳大利亚警方认为这个女孩的父亲薛乃银 (音:Xue Naiyin)在澳洲将她遗弃后已经飞往美国。

  在新西兰,警方表示对女孩母亲安妮·薛(Annie Xue)的命运感到担忧,这是因为自9月10日起她已经失踪。

  周一晚上,警方在 新西兰最大城市奥克兰德机场发现了一辆属于27岁薛太太的轿车。她被人称为薛安妮,是中国公民。




  澳大利亚墨尔本南十字火车站(Southern Cross Station)的工作人员周六发现这个被遗弃的女孩独自一人在哭。

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