most people doe not understand that in USA, charity is a business, not 100% charity.
United Way CEO annual salary is >> $5 millions !!! with private jet, etc.
That is why I never donated a penny to United way after knowing that. No way Jose to using my money to enrich these so called Charity employees.
Same goes for all these so called Charity for veterans or Police. All these people participated in fund raising are all well paid, and they get paid first. Then what ever left over, 5 cents, a dime will then be donated to whatever.
If you want to do something nice, do it your self or donated to only charity that at least would output 85% of the money collected to the causes.
除此之外, 最近还有4家美国癌症基金会的贪腐案被起诉,2亿美元的善款,只有不到3%用于慈善,97% 给高管发天价工资买奢侈品,海外奢侈旅游,子女大学费用等等。。这四家机构是:Cancer Fund of America ,Children’s Cancer Fund of America,Breast Cancer Society,Cancer Support Services,这些不过是冰山的一角,记住,那里都有人渣。