新西兰22岁女大生葛蕾斯(Grace Blundell)响应“解放乳头运动”(Free the Nipple campaign),近日号召同好在当地海滩解放,挺身支持该理念,不料大批观光客却以“有色眼光”驻足拍照,让她和同伴十分困扰。
据《每日邮报》报导,该活动去年12月在奥克兰知名景点传教湾(Mission Bay)举行。葛蕾斯表示,此活动希望唤起女性对身体的自主权,能不受外界异样眼光窥视,“我不希望被性别束缚,被他人说三道四,是时候该改变了”,并强调自己在海滩上脱掉上衣时,感到浑身充满力量。
然而活动中却遭到许多观光客围观、指指点点,让她感到不舒服,“某些人的确以情色眼光看待我们,而不是了解背后的理念”,更有人质问“怎么不去天体海滩(Nude Beach),要在这边露胸?”,她怒呛对方该去问旁边半裸的男游客。
About 40 protesters rid themselves of their bras at Mission Bay, New Zealand, to stand behind the Free the Nipple movement
Organiser Grace Blundell, 22, (right) abandoned her top for the cause, which she said she felt extremely passionate about
Protesters converged at Mission Bay on Saturday to fight for their right to go topless
Ms Blundell, a psychology and sociology student at Massey University in Albany, was just one of a group of both men and women, who felt the same desire for change
Groups of tourists bombarded the protesters, pointing their cameras at them to take photos, as they looked on in amazement
Ms Blundell said they garnered huge amounts of attention on the beach from some people who were just curious, and others who she felt did not understand the point they were making
Women were not alone in their protest, men passionate about the cause also joined in
While the protesters fought for a serious issue, they also had fun, enjoying a day at the beach
Ms Blundell, a psychology and sociology student at Massey University in Albany, was just one of a group of both men and women, who felt the same desire for change