美国前副总统拜登(Joe Biden)当地时间25日发布了一段3分钟的视频,宣布参加2020年美国总统大选。
(via 环视频)
Around the time of the 2008 campaign, alterations in Biden’s appearance became noticeable. His hairline changed, wrinkles disappeared, his smile was brighter. “Without any question Joe Biden had hair transplants,” Dr. Barry Cohen, a plastic surgeon with offices in the Washington suburbs, told the Washington Examiner.
在2008年大选期间,拜登外貌上的变化变得非常引人注目,他的发迹线改变了,皱纹消失了,笑容更闪亮了。“毫无疑问,乔·拜登接受了植发,”Barry Cohen医生,一位在华盛顿郊区开诊所的整容医生告诉《华盛顿观察家报》。
Biden’s gleaming grin is such a distinctive feature that Trident Gum created JoeBidensTeeth.com in January 2009 as part of a promotion where the company gave away free gum. But since he became vice president, several dentists have speculated that Biden’s smile contains porcelain veneers, crowns, or bridges.
拜登闪亮的笑容是这么显眼的特点,以至于口香糖品牌Trident Gum还在2009年1月设立JoeBidensTeeth.com网站,作为该公司免费分发口香糖宣传活动的组成部分。但自从他成为副总统后,多位牙医推测拜登的牙齿做了瓷贴面,牙冠或牙桥 。
▲Botox, hair plugs, and veneers: Biden could escape the cosmetic surgery scrutiny Hillary Clinton endured (via Washington Examiner)
拜登雪白闪亮的牙齿 (via AP Manuel Balce Ceneta)
Shows how shallow & pathetic you are-no amount of plastic surgery, dental work, hair plugs....will increase your IQ; still a fool!
How Joe Biden 'underwent a cosmetic overhaul to make himself more appealing to voters' | Daily Mail Online https://t.co/AX1E1qs2xx
— Chester/Katie BT♥️ (@cjrj49) April 29, 2019
Trump's rival Joe Biden, 76, has had massive amounts of cosmetic surgery to fill wrinkles, fix hairline and whiten teeth, plastic surgeons claim https://t.co/Gc7SgMYZMA
— Dr.Ali Esmaeili (@EsmaeiliAli2) May 1, 2019
加利福尼亚比弗利山的整形医生Lawrence M. Koplin告诉《华盛顿观察家报》,拜登在失去他的儿子后经历了一段惨淡的时光。拜登的儿子Beau Biden在2015年因脑癌去世了,去世时年仅46岁。
“And oftentimes we see rapid aging following these events. It is not a stretch to imagine his desire to reach back to ‘freshen’ his appearance and rewind to a time when things were better and happier.”
▲Botox, hair plugs, and veneers: Biden could escape the cosmetic surgery scrutiny Hillary Clinton endured (via Washington Examiner)
据Daily Mail报道,2015年,美国记者爱德华·克莱因(Edward Klein)曾在他的《不讨喜的——希拉里的问题》一书中写到,希拉里·克林顿曾在家中设置了一个小型手术室,让整形医生用最先进的医学仪器为她做整形手术。
The former secretary of state underwent secret plastic surgery before beginning her campaign for the 2016 presidency, Klein’s book claimed.
Clinton had her 'cheeks lifted and her wrinkles and lines Botoxed' and had 'work done' on her eyes, neck and forehead, according to Klein.
The current president, Donald Trump, also appears to have had work done to alter his look, most noticeably with his hair.
▲Plastic surgeons claim Joe Biden, 76, has undergone a huge transformation during his career through cosmetic procedures that have filled in his wrinkles, altered his hairline and made his teeth whiter (via Daily Mail)
整合:Du Qiongfang
来源:Washington Examiner, Daily Mail