Kangaroos in the snow in Lyonville, Australia. pic.twitter.com/LKx6xNVQkl据英国《每日邮报》报道,大雪和袋鼠不是能让人联系在一起的两样东西,然而,近日澳大利亚异常的天气造成了一个看似矛盾的景象:兴奋的袋鼠在厚厚的白雪中跳跃。
— ned the toothpick (@nedthetoothpik) August 16, 2019
Kangaroos in the snow, Tasmania这个令人叹为观止的画面拍摄于新南威尔士州。上周末降雪后,当地男子斯蒂芬·格伦费尔(Stephen Grenfell)拍下了这一“超现实 ”的画面,并发布在推特上,他配文说:“在澳大利亚不是每天都能看到”。视频中,数十只袋鼠欢快的跳过铺满厚厚白雪的田野,在雪地里蹦跶撒欢。据报道,澳大利亚遭遇了一场罕见的冷空气袭击,新南威尔士州降雪量高达5英寸(12.7厘米),整个州的城镇几乎都被积雪覆盖。
(Photo: Bernadette Camus) pic.twitter.com/BQX9mORzsF
— 41 Strange (@41Strange) August 12, 2019
Kangaroos in the snow!
A cute reminder that summer in the northern hemisphere means winter in the south. And for Australia, that can mean snow https://t.co/eFZrYacNIF
: @ballaratcourier / Lachlan Bence pic.twitter.com/ymNWgCcUFK
— Joshua Stevens (@jscarto) August 14, 2019
This weekend was freezing - just ask these chilly kangaroos in Victoria’s Central Highlands
But we better enjoy/endure our winter wonderland while it lasts - scientists predict that #ClimateChange will reduce Australia’s snow 60% by 2070.
Read more: https://t.co/I9e1Pc1SA6 pic.twitter.com/08ZAeJHjmU
— The Conversation (@ConversationEDU) August 14, 2019
Watch kangaroos enjoy a snow day — yes, snow day — in Australia https://t.co/ncI8OKLRdc pic.twitter.com/S36lw8rcEp
— Critter Files (@CritterFiles) August 12, 2019