Ivanka Trump's new bob gives off a “Take me more seriously” vibe, one hairdresser told The Daily Beast. “You appear more intentional, precise. Just think of Anna Wintour.” https://t.co/7OXw9nkKs6
— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) September 3, 2019
2019年9月2日,白宫高级顾问伊万卡·特朗普(Ivanka Trump)离开美国将前往哥伦比亚、阿根廷和巴拉圭宣传全球妇女发展与繁荣倡议(W-GDP)。图为她在美国马里兰州安德鲁斯联合基地时登上飞机。Ivanka Trump — whose official capacity is adviser to the president, her father, and a constant presence in the White House — attends an event to boost women's economic initiatives while on a visit to Colombia. (AFP) pic.twitter.com/lL45v0ot1X
— The Voice of America (@VOANews) September 3, 2019
哥伦比亚副总统玛莎·卢西亚·拉米雷斯( Marta Lucia Ramirez,左二)到机场迎接。
伊万卡倡导“全球妇女发展与繁荣”计划,是2019年2月由美国总统特朗普(Donald John Trump)签署。这份计划旨在拨出5,000万美元的初始资金,帮助全球5,000万妇女在2025年前实现经济独立。