美国东方航空公司一架飞机于15日降落后冲入草地,机上载有200多名滞留在纽约的圭亚那人。An Eastern Airlines flight with 206 Guyanese passengers on board skidded off the runway at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) shortly after landing Wednesday afternoon. None of the passengers or crew was injured and no damage was done to the… https://t.co/TOzd7KfoUZ
— News Room (@newsroomgy) July 15, 2020
2020-07-15: Eastern Airlines Boeing 767-300 (N706KW) taxied into the grass after landing on runway 24 at Georgetown Intl AP (SYCJ), Guyana. The right maingear got stuck in soft ground beneath taxiway "Charlie". Flight #2D232 came from New York. @portaoumhttps://t.co/qXIarhUp4Y pic.twitter.com/OhIsxPdUQs
— JACDEC (@JacdecNew) July 17, 2020
据圭亚那《斯塔布鲁克 新闻 报》报道,这架飞机于当地时间15日下午2点半降落在圭亚那蒂梅里的乔治敦国际机场,飞机在降落后划出了跑道。机上载有201名乘客和10名机组人员,未接到人员伤亡报告。
An Eastern Airlines aircraft from New York to Guyana ran off the runway at Cheddi Jagan International Airport upon landing. https://t.co/rPOFbzFZOD
— iNews Guyana (@iNewsGuyana) July 15, 2020