在模里西斯近海触礁的日本货轮「若潮号」,在当地时间15日下午断裂,船内剩馀的燃油恐流入海洋。Wakashio splits in two off Mauritius https://t.co/HGGPirpxoy pic.twitter.com/rmu7S1xspP
— Splash (@Splash_247) August 16, 2020
综合外媒报导,货轮「若潮号」上(7)月25日搁浅,一週后传出燃油外洩,负责漏油事件的应对小组在15日上午警告,船隻的状况「持续恶化」,随时可能断裂。模里西斯国家危机委员会(National Crisis Committee)15日声明表示,下午4点半左右,发现船隻的前后已分离。
模里西斯政府则因为对漏油事件处理不佳遭到质疑,大众批评政府没有立即应对,而是在船隻触礁一週后才开始行动。总理贾格纳特(Pravind Jugnauth)则将延迟行动归咎给恶劣的天气。当局也提到,未来几天的天气预计将恶化,浪高可达4.5公尺。
据报导,「若潮号」搁浅地接近模里西斯海洋保护区,以及蓝湾海洋公园(Blue Bay Marine Park reserve),漏油事件恐导致生态浩劫,同时也影响当地赖以为生的观光产业。
Wakashio Ship Owner Promises Compensation for Grounding: The Japanese owner of the MV Wakashio said it fully intends to compensate for any damages in accordance with applicable law from the ship’s grounding and subsequent oil spill in Mauritius. The… https://t.co/5ijCINPfmV pic.twitter.com/x4vwOQ0Ecv
— Fundación NUESTROMAR (@Nuestromar) August 14, 2020
BREAKING NEWSThe MV Wakashio just broke into two pieces off the coast of Mauritius & now the front part is being towed & will be sunk at least 1,000 kilometers off the island, please retweet & donate to our fundraiser https://t.co/h50tMBkUGm as this island needs our help NOW! pic.twitter.com/wfA4Oa8Z5e
— Karmagawa (@karmagawa) August 15, 2020