《路透》(Reuters)报导,面对境内出现大面积森林野火,加州州长纽森(Gavin Newsom)7日宣布紧急状态,包含圣伯纳迪诺(San Bernardino)、圣地牙哥(San Diego)、佛雷斯诺(Fresno)等多个郡受到影响。
截至7日为止,这场森林大火、共造成加州境内1万8200多公顷林地毁坏、3300栋建筑毁坏,并有8人因火灾丧命。Military helicopters airlifted 207 people trapped in California’s Sierra National Forest to safety.
— TRT World (@trtworld) September 7, 2020
The fires strained the state’s electrical grid, threatening power outages that could potentially affect millions of people pic.twitter.com/f3tXrQGmSw
州长纽森也提到、位于塞拉国家森林公园(Sierra National Forest)内的猛犸池水库(Mammoth Pool Reservoir),日前有207名露营游客,因为被迅速扩散的森林大火阻断唯一联外道路,州政府委请国民兵派遣直升机,以空运方式将受困人员逐一救出。
除了大火威胁,随之而来的还有热浪。洛杉矶市伍德兰希尔斯(Woodland Hills)地区7日上午测得华氏121度(摄氏49.44度)的高温,打破当地自2006年以来的纪录;圣地牙哥的埃斯孔迪多(Escondido)也测出华氏115度(摄氏46.1度),打破该地1909年至今的最高温纪录。
As a record-breaking heat wave bears down on California, more than 40 wildfires are burning across the state.
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) September 6, 2020
Our fire map has the latest on each fire including containment numbers, acres burned and evacuation orders. https://t.co/BkzkiZsp5R
室外不断飙高温、加上政府又呼吁民众减少外出,很快地就让加州电力系统面临沉重负担,6日晚间、光是洛杉矶郡就出现1万多户断电的窘境。Power outages were avoided Friday and Saturday due in large part to individual conservation efforts, but even more conservation efforts are needed today!
— Office of the Governor of California (@CAgovernor) September 6, 2020
Do your part to reduce energy use & help avoid outages. https://t.co/j4p2wm6Qa3 pic.twitter.com/aaZB8fKnos
为避免电力全面崩溃,加州电力调度中心(California ISO)提醒用户要节约用电,并向邻居奥勒岗州(Oregon)电厂借电,以备不时之需。