视频显示,雷米穿着加压服,带着头盔,爬上父亲让 · 丹尼尔(Jean-Daniel)驾驶的热气球的顶部,上面固定着一把椅子。
新闻链接>>法国男子站热气球顶上升4016米高空 破世界纪录
当热气球开始上升时,可以看到他拿着自拍杆,对着镜头竖起大拇指。他的目标高度是 11932 英尺(3637 米),当达到这一目标时,可以看见雷米举着 36 号和 37 号的标语牌。
据悉,当气球达到 11500 英尺(3500 米)时,雷米的父亲告诉他由于氧气变稀,要冷静下来。Watch: Remi Ouvrard stands on top of a hot-air balloon for France's Telethon fundraising event at a peak altitude of 4,016 metres (13,175 feet) over Chatellerault, western France, breaking a world record. https://t.co/Op6rdd9TXi pic.twitter.com/dp2M24m1l1
— Al Arabiya English (@AlArabiya_Eng) November 11, 2021
相反,热气球散发出的热量让他感到 " 沸腾 "。最终,热气球升到了 13175 英尺(4016 米)的高度,打破了他 2020 年 2 月创造的 1217 米的世界纪录
France’s Remi Ouvrard claimed a new world record by standing on top of a hot-air balloon 4,016m (13,175 ft) up in the sky.
— Sky News (@SkyNews) November 11, 2021
More videos here: https://t.co/hhDQuQ1top pic.twitter.com/r44vF1pesD
— Picture News Care (@CarePicture) November 12, 2021
A 28-year-old, Rémi Ouvrard, has broken the world record for standing on top of a hot air balloon at altitude. He stood on top of the balloon at a height of more than 3,637m for France’s annual Telethon, which is a charity campaign. pic.twitter.com/Mq0ksjT8WP
El aeronauta francés #RemiOuvrard intenta establecer un #record mundial al pararse en la parte superior de un globo aerostático en #Francia, 10 de noviembre de 2021.https://t.co/2N7yzKhKes pic.twitter.com/0NaemW3mcx
— NexoLatino (@Nexo_Latino) November 10, 2021