俄国总统普丁颁布部分动员令,征召30万名后备役军人,在国内掀起逃亡潮。美国太空技术公司马萨尔科技(Maxar Technologies)25日拍摄画面显示,俄罗斯通往乔治亚的过境口出现大量车潮,排队进入邻国的队伍绵延16公里。一名目击者表示,人们必须等上48小时,才能跨越边境。This drone footage shows the staggering line of cars waiting to cross over the Russia-Georgia border, days after Pres. Vladimir Putin’s military mobilization order. pic.twitter.com/ety3buDIyb
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) September 27, 2022
Drone footage shows a massive line of traffic at the border between Russia and Georgia as huge numbers of Russians seek to flee the country amid fears they will be drafted to fight in the war in Ukraine. https://t.co/JIZ8uyYWEh pic.twitter.com/HNM6qZ3MBM
— ABC News (@ABC) September 27, 2022
My friend who is stuck at the GE-RU border in the neutral zone trying to leave Georgia for Russia, said she was expecting Russian hipsters to be the ones entering Georgia, but it’s mostly Georgians and North Caucasians. She also said many people are leaving Georgia. pic.twitter.com/Fu5BVMEHKn
— Sopo Japaridze (@sopjap) September 26, 2022
马萨尔科技表示,过境口的塞车情况「很可能继续往卫星图像的北部区域延伸」。CNN也引述社群媒体疯传的现场画面报导,普丁宣布动员令后,大量人潮涌入俄国北高加索地区的北奥塞梯─阿兰共和国(North Ossetia),而在俄乔边境的山峦之间,一些人携家带眷,一些男性独自抵达,数百人拖着行李箱前往过境口。
The estimated wait time to enter Georgia from Russia hit 48 hours over the weekend, as people looked to flee the country to avoid being called to fight in Ukraine.
— DW News (@dwnews) September 27, 2022
Putin’s mobilization order has caused similar scenes at Russia’s borders with Kazakhstan, Finland and Mongolia. pic.twitter.com/4h8IozYpB1
— WhereisRussiaToday (@WhereisRussia) September 26, 2022
Many Russians fleeing to Georgia have now abandoned their vehicles and have decided to walk instead.#Russia #Russians #Georgia pic.twitter.com/tIRpJx98hz
Traffic jam on the Russia-Georgia border is now 14 km, taking over 30 hours, as tens of thousands are fleeing to avoid Putin's mobilization. pic.twitter.com/KRzqQoPTPB
— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) September 23, 2022
乔治亚反对派政治人物马穆拉什维利(Nona Mamulashvili)表示,面对突然涌入的人潮,「我们一直敦促政府引入签证或关闭边境。」但截至目前为止,俄罗斯与乔治亚的边境似乎依然保持开放。