In 1930's Germany can beat all Euro countries including USSR himself, and Japan can easily beat all countries in Asian, we all know their final results. NOW another stupid country wants to start a war give and 中国的一个机会向世界展现中国的军事能力. What an idiot and they should be killed before they starts the war to make thousands of people die.
说真话讨人嫌 发表评论于
北美_原乡人 发表评论于
第一,现在中国美国卫星监控完全可以侦察到任何的隐形飞机。至少可以准确地监控飞机在机场的位置。比如在我们密苏里州怀特曼空军基地的19架B2轰炸机早就天天被看得清清楚楚。第二,任何隐形轰炸机从美国本土跨越将近10,000公里的太平洋到中国附近必须至少加油一次以上。而美国空军现在装备播音公司制造的K C 46加油机根本不是隐形的,所以将成为空中被追踪的目标和活靶子。最后,中国的战略战术一贯是打鸟先端巢。就算看不到你的鸟,后发制人的打击将把打美军在第二岛链所有几个军事基地的我先搬掉。再者,中国的领土一旦遭受攻击,照样可以向美国的本土的鸟巢发动反击。
B-21 is a game changer. It will render China's stockpile of short to intermediate range missiles useless in a showdown with the US in Taiwan Strait. They will eliminate China's missile launchers, command and control centers, even Xi's Zhongnanhai headquarters undetected.