不好吃懒做 发表评论于 2023-04-20 08:53:40
先有鸡还是先有蛋 - Of cause 先有鸡 since animal/鸡 can change or evolution while 蛋/egg can not. So other bird (duck?) first changed to 鸡 and then 鸡 laid 蛋/Egg, therefore Chicken come first and then chicken eggs.
I remember Mimu, it was one of my favorite cartoons.
不好吃懒做 发表评论于
先有鸡还是先有蛋 - Of cause 先有鸡 since animal/鸡 can change or evolution while 蛋/egg can not. So other bird (duck?) first changed to 鸡 and then 鸡 laid 蛋/Egg, therefore Chicken come first and then chicken eggs.