周二晚上,费城发生震惊全美的大规模打砸抢,入夜后数百人出现在市中心的一条精品街,一间接一间商店打砸抢,包括苹果店,Lululemon商店等,还有人直播煽动更多人前去打砸抢。They targeted stores like Apple, Foot Locker, and Lululemon, as well as liquor stores, in what police called a “coordinated attack.”
— Sanjana Friedman (@metaversehell) September 27, 2023
Instagram influencer @dayjiamainpage (182K followers)— who livestreamed herself egging the looters on — brought us the story in real-time. pic.twitter.com/wTuPxIyjmY
数十名劫匪涌入费城的苹果专卖店,粗暴地将安全绳扯断,然后将柜台上的iPhone 15系列手机,以及iPad等苹果产品全部抢走,而店员只能在旁边木讷地看着这一切发生。
据了解,事发在晚上8点左右,此前有一场所谓的“和平抗议”活动,一名费城警察在8月14日射杀了一个名叫埃迪·伊里扎里(Eddie Irizarry)的非裔司机,原因是警察在拦检的时候发现伊里扎里一场,在盘查的时候伊里扎里手里握着刀,结果被警察连开6枪击毙。
UPDATE - #Philadelphia Large crowds of juveniles loot multiple stores in Center City, police say
— Ratnesh Mishra (@Ratnesh_speaks) September 27, 2023
100-200 kids are walking around with masks on breaking into stores and stealing whatever they can.#Philadelphia #Walnut #iPhone15 #apple #AppleStore #Lululemon pic.twitter.com/XMNYIg7xyp
然而,活动还没结束就演变成了大规模的打砸抢,他们不仅抢了苹果店和Lululemon,还有Foot Locker 等。不过也有报道称,大规模打砸抢与“和平示威”无关。
更过分的是,居然有网红在网上直播煽动抢劫,以至于加入打砸抢的人数越来越多。该网红叫:戴嘉·布莱克威尔(Dayjia Blackwell),她在社交平台Instagram上直播引起了警方的注意,最终警方循着定位将他逮个正着。
What happened in Philly last night at the Lululemon was WRONG.
— Brian Krassenstein (@krassenstein) September 27, 2023
Democrats know it was wrong.
Republicans know it was wrong.
Independents know it was wrong.
They were bad people doing bad things. This doesn’t have to be politicized like I see many people doing. Politicizing… pic.twitter.com/iZaOO1b3hD
Looters target Foot Locker, Apple, Lululemon, and Fine Wine & Good Spirits, leading to intense police confrontations and a state of anarchy in Philadelphia's Center City.
— BoreCure (@CureBore) September 27, 2023
Apple Store: 02:48
Lululemon: 05:00
Fine Wine & Good Spirits: 09:22 pic.twitter.com/EAQ81grl0k
丹妮尔·奥特洛 (Danielle Outlaw) 自 2020 年 2 月起担任费城警察局局长,不过却于 9 月 22 日正式离职。
2017年,奥特洛上任之间,费城的平均凶杀案不到 400 起。2021 年和 2022 年全市凶杀案均超过 500 起。截至上周日的最新数据显示,今年迄今为止,该市已发生 302 起凶杀案。
此外,还报告了 402 起强奸案、58,759 起财产犯罪案件、3,701 起严重袭击案件和 1,314 名枪击受害者。
Philadelphia police struggle to capture the #BLM-inspired looters in downtown who targeted a @Lululemon, among other businesses. The looting and riot was organized in response to an officer being cleared of charges for shooting a knife-wielding man. pic.twitter.com/WeJ4IBWfKc
— Andy Ngô ️ (@MrAndyNgo) September 27, 2023