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Politico在8日报导,贺锦丽竞选总统官网现在的华兹简传写道,“身为陆军退伍军人之子,担任过指挥军士长(Command sergeant major),华兹曾是联邦众议院退伍军人事务委员会副主席,通过立法以协助遏制退伍军人轻生”。



华兹在陆军国民兵服役了24年,2005年退伍以角逐联邦众议员,并成为当选国会议员的最资深士兵。虽然他确实晋升到指挥军士长,但因为没有修完美国陆军军士长学院的更高军衔必修课程,退伍后恢复了军士长(Master sergeant)的军阶。



Bhistory 发表评论于

Julie Green Prophecy
[Word heard – August 4, 2024]

My children, your enemies are at your shoreline. They’re at the door to begin their war, they so have desired against Israel and My United States. Your Establishment thought they were controlling what your enemies in foreign nations and what they were allowed to do and what they were not, but betrayal is about to strike the heart of the ones who think they are in control of this world. Your enemies in foreign lands are about to strike where the Establishment never thought they would. They’re allowing proof to come out. They are pouring it out so they can do what they want against this nation.

China thinks they have it in the bag. All the proof they need and the weakness in this nation to pull off what they so desire - to shutdown and to override this leadership. Their agreement they HAD with your Establishment is now broken and it’s NO HOLDS BARRED and their plans with your govt O United States. Your govt left the door wide open for many foreign nations to come into your land, into your govt. They gave them intel, but it will not go the way they want it to go. Foreign nations have turned against the Establishment and the Establishment has turned against foreign nations. Too many people wanting power when so many won’t let it go. Your enemies are about to turn on one another and destroy themselves. They wanted war to stop this nation from rising and to silence you the people. They were so desperate to stop you and to stop My David that they will allow anything to take place to stop him. Without thinking and really looking and judging the situation, they acted and made a mistake after mistake and things are about to blow up in your enemy’s face that they never imagined.

Secrets will pour out of Washington and pour out of foreign nations. No more talking. Your enemies are now screaming. No more time to think, just do...
紐約雙子 发表评论于
starlink101 发表评论于

"Chief Weirdo" 沃尔兹的政绩斐然:
1. 大力支持黑命贵非法集会,纵容抢劫商店,火烧民用建筑,攻击殴打平民。
2. 拒绝派遣国民警卫队阻止暴力犯罪。
3. 消减警察经费,支持保释被逮捕的暴力罪犯分子。
4. 新冠疫情期间封城,造成老人院大量老人死亡。
5. 签署命令成立DEI委员会。
6. 给非法移民发放驾照,鼓励非法移民投票。

starlink101 发表评论于


花纳税人的钱,把卫生棉条放进男厕所. even weirder.

悠蓝随忆看世界 发表评论于
Jhu11463 发表评论于
体制内 发表评论于 2024-08-09 17:19:48

拾麦客 发表评论于
BeckyLin 发表评论于 2024-08-09 17:33:00
量子纠结 发表评论于
BeckyLin 发表评论于
体制内 发表评论于
时光的酒 发表评论于
Jhu11463 发表评论于
Ranier 发表评论于
Jhu11463 发表评论于
乱我心者 发表评论于
我要真普選 发表评论于
量子纠结 发表评论于
弟兄姐妹 发表评论于
Jhu11463 发表评论于
来春去冬 发表评论于
Jhu11463 发表评论于
xyz18 发表评论于
紐約雙子 发表评论于
Lisland_2013 发表评论于
Yuankai2000 发表评论于
Bhistory 发表评论于 2024-08-09 13:36:28
gamlastan 发表评论于
stolen Valor
Armweak 发表评论于

在小布什竞选第二任时,和其对阵的是民主党候选人John Kerry。John Kerry曾在越南当过兵,在竞选前,民主党的竞选团使劲吹他得到的purple heart medal。在竞选到了关键时候,GOP有人出来对着John Kerry的purple heart medal狠狠地attack:在60年代的越南战场上,那种medal很容易拿到,上个战场的士兵人手一枚。最后,John Kerry弄得灰头鼠脸。


Bhistory 发表评论于

Today's prophecy from JGM [Word heard – August 8, 2024]

My children in the land of My Eagle, your enemies are on a path they cannot move away from. They’re on a collision course of destruction and they will destroy themselves, including any credibility they had in their places of power on their way out. The Jackal is howling in your White House. He is injured. But others will join him and fight against the ravenous wolves on the other side. They’re in survival mode and they are willing to do anything to survive this catastrophic failure and destruction of this Establishment. The wolves and the jackals will devour one another while the world watches.

I have told you before there is growing a civil war and a great divide in Washington. It has grown to new levels of deception. They don’t care who they have to backstab to save themselves. Many people in the Establishment in your capital, are making deals to hide their own secrets while they will expose other secrets to destroy ones on the other side of this great divide. They will continue to try and push their agendas in what direction their Establishment should go to take our My David and this nation the rest of the way. But they are not in agreement of this plan made by the puppet masters because others think they have a better plan and their voices are not being heard. Anger is growing with the new puppet that was put in the spotlight. Some will sabotage her supposed campaign and her running mate so they can have a say in the pick that they think won’t lose the election.

My children your enemies are obsessed with this election and their control. They will make more decisions that will prove even more who they really are. Their masks will come off and reveal the wolves in sheep’s clothing. It will reveal many governmental secrets. It will reveal the mob bosses calling the shots in your so-called govt. ...
时光的酒 发表评论于
Walz is a coward. he "retired" from the army right after hearing his unit was going to deploy to Iraq.
duty 发表评论于