A major news station is about to shut its doors. I told you to watch CNN. I told you this would take place. Watch- there will also be shakings at ABC, CBS, Fox News, and MSNBC. Great shakings are coming to the major news stations. They will not continue to control this country or what the actual truth is.
Bhistory 发表评论于
我听了一会儿,超级佩服川,两个小时,多少话题,语速很快,Elon常常插不上嘴,Elon明显是肚子有货,但沟通比不上川。川完全没有很多政治家回答问题那种边想边慢慢说,没有哼啊什么的,什么东西都是信手拈来。全是自己的实话,common sense with wisdom。一点没有今天世界政坛泛滥的政治正确的左派虚伪装样子的行为... 我极反感那些气候/green,dei, woke,LTBGQ那些东西