贺锦丽势如破竹 川普媒体股价惨跌至历史新低

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随著美国民主党全国代表大会热闹登场,总统候选人贺锦丽声势大振,其竞选对手川普拥有的社群平台Truth Social受此冲击,股价跌到上市以来新低。部分专家指出,相较于Truth Social的经营面,这间公司的股价更像是川普声势的风向球。

路透报导,Truth Social的经营商川普媒体与科技集团(TMTG)股价20日下挫3.7%至21.42美元,是连续第8个交易日走跌,更创下TMTG今年3月26日在那斯达克交易所上市以来的新低,刚上市时这档股票一度冲到每股79.38美元。


经纪商MDB Capital总裁巴塞内斯(Lou Basenese)认为,TMTG股价依循的是投票机制,而非投资机制,因此将估值与基本面一起考量是“没有意义”的,而是“一直按照输赢的机率做交易”,现在选情变得紧绷,川普胜选机率下降,导致股价下滑,但也可能真的与禁售期即将结束有关。


Ranier 发表评论于
kanke100 发表评论于
在川粉眼中,不认可川普的人都是“不是坏就是蠢”。川粉的行为只会讨人嫌,并导致对川普的厌恶。如果川普又输了, 川粉将会功不可没。
janeparisli 发表评论于
ypb001 发表评论于
iask 发表评论于


京工人 发表评论于 2024-08-21 13:36:38七点三十:小编有什么错?文学城代表台湾政府主流观点。川普敲诈台湾黑社会保护费,污蔑台湾偷了美国的芯片技术,所以台湾人民坚决抵制川普!贺锦丽2024!
iask 发表评论于

川普回到了X(TWITTER)平台,因为那里有他将近九千万 (89.7Mil)的追随者。

有伊朗马斯克的鼎力支持, 贺锦鲤的最大金主麦克莱恩都在警告:数据并没有我们宣传的那样乐观。。。。
钟表匠 发表评论于
Mililani 发表评论于
樱色 发表评论于


好奇心想象力 发表评论于
sf3649 发表评论于
拾麦客 发表评论于
呵呵,马斯克在推特搞了一个民调,贺锦丽支持率只有百分之二十多。 川普的媒体股价低可以是任何原因,其中就有恶意做空。但谁知道哪天做空的人可能输得连裤衩都不剩。人在做,天在看。
京西观察使 发表评论于
世道浇漓 发表评论于
德州呆子 发表评论于
Bhistory 发表评论于

JGM – THIS IS LIFE OR DEATH OF A NATION [Word heard – August 18, 2024]
(search transcripts by LAFenn1010 )

My children chaos is about to erupt in your enemy’s camp in an unprecedented way. In times past you have seen a version of this but it’s not the extreme you are about to see. Your enemies are in for a rude awakening thinking they can control this nation, Israel, and the world. They have made many mistakes in their plans over time. Now is the time where everything is about to erupt against them. (仇敌阵营危机总爆发即将开始...)
This nation has never seen what it’s about to witness politically that’ll get the attention of the world and how fascinating it is to watch a group of people who have played the world, controlled the world, be exposed and judged at the same time as judgment is being served and freedom is being released to the masses after being held in bondage for so long. ... I have repeatedly told you that would happen and during this time this would be unexplainable, unprecedented, unconventional and unusual. ... It’s all about to hit an all-time high. (美国将经历前所未有的一段剧烈变化...DS精英被神审判,久违的自由会回来)
This is life or death of a nation and freedom as you know it. Everything is about to drastically change. ...
Like rocket fire they will try one thing after another against you as they try these desperate attempts in any way to save themselves, but the opposite will take place for their removals and the Establishment’s destruction. (DS会用很多手段,但结果跟他们设计的相反)...
My children this nation is in for a wild ride, a rollercoaster of ups and downs and sharp twists and turns but in the end only My children will be left on the ride to receive what belongs to them. (美国将像坐过山车一般剧烈变化,结果是神的儿女会得着主预备给他们的)...
Eisenhower…this name I say again will be in your news for a significant reason.

The Honeymoon phase is over for Kamala. Look to see what they do to her and what the news is about to release. This betrayal is about to come in unexpected ways never seen before. This election is about to heat up for your enemies and not in a good way. A surprise is coming they don’t see and they will not be able to defend themselves from it. When they see it it will already be too late to do anything about it. (贺锦丽即将经历大转折,...)

The leaders of this Establishment, ...are about to have a very bad week ... No matter what they do it will not get better for them because the time has come for the Establishment to be abolished.

Unprecedented distractions are coming to get your attention off the free fall of their destruction that is mounting in Washington. They will start to pull off everything they can.(他们会使用所有可能的手段) This is where things will seem and appear to be getting worse for this nation and the world, but DO NOT FORGET WHAT I HAVE SAID IN SO MANY WORDS, I HAVE GIVEN TO YOU…THIS DARKNESS IS FOR THEM AND NOT FOR YOU. So receive My light and you will shine bright in this world to give them hope and direct them back to Me.

This is a time to stand and do not be moved by what you are about to see come out of Washington and what is about to shake this earth. ... All My children, start declaring PSALM 91. Start standing for your freedom and for your healing, no matter what they’re about to put out there with viruses. Look to My Word and see what it says about pestilences. It shall not come near you so do not fear what you are about to hear. It’s another tactic to bring you to your knees when your enemies are about to be brought to theirs. (神儿女不要害怕要来的剧烈变化和病毒,祷告诗篇91篇)

A major player in your Establishment, one of the architects, is about to be exposed to save the others. Nancy is about to be let go from her own party to save others they want to keep protected. (猪党为自保牺牲佩罗西...)

Judge Merchan ... will fall for the attempts as he has made against My David. Shocking evidence is coming that will destroy the so-called conviction against My David. Sentencing Ha! This is just a distraction and another illusion. The law does not back this so-called sentencing. (Merchan对川普做出于法无据的宣判,Merchan will fall)
Unconventional…... would become the normal you would say. This time in the election will go down as unconventional and the most unprecedented election and time in this nation. ...Many things will collapse, implode, and disintegrate with your enemy’s plans they had for My eagle and Israel. This is a time where My hand wil...  查看完整评论
红楼梦 发表评论于
赛吉 发表评论于
Elon Musk的投票民调我相信,看看英文的Youtuber和下面的评论,是一边倒的支持川普的,街边随访支持川普的也有至少80%以上。就算是民主党党代会的芝加哥也是一大半以上的trump voter。
Bhistory 发表评论于
Elon Musk的大选投票民调



船上一坨 发表评论于
MAGA can never lose… just like CCP or Putin
duty 发表评论于
Luochahaishi 发表评论于
It's totally a lie
人心不平 发表评论于
Wodebiming98 发表评论于
旁观者XWY 发表评论于
mcsquare 发表评论于
achicod 发表评论于
七点三十 发表评论于

你看看独裁政府发动的战争,哪个不是在民主党在任时发动的? o8时的克里米亚,拜登时的乌东,中东。你民主党有什么威慑力阻止包子2027武统?你民主党的威慑力连塔利班都瞧不起你,你想想包子会服你吗? 更况且,三笑一个女的,她除了傻笑她知道如何在国际上独裁政府打交道? 独裁流氓们最喜欢调戏的就是傻天真的民主党。



京工人 发表评论于 2024-08-21 13:36:38
弯刀月 发表评论于
goldeyeball1 发表评论于
京工人 发表评论于
LLC 发表评论于
LRushBall 发表评论于
买这个股票不是为了股票能涨,是变相合法贿赂川普。川普本人持有60%股份。 现在你买很多成为大股东,川普选赢了股票涨不涨无所谓,川普肯定投桃报李分好处,拿几个政府订单赚个10倍回来了很容易。现在川普选赢的几率是47~48%。 这个赔率很好。
rainman_123 发表评论于
这个stock 就是一个trash
8421 发表评论于
七点三十 发表评论于
文学城小编暴露了本质: 拿上个月的消息充数,想说明什么? 说明你急了。