Disaggregation into ethnic subgroups revealed that Chinese patients had a substantially higher mortality rate (35.7%) than South Asians (23.7%) and other Asians (21.0%), and this rate was the highest among all racial groups. This disparity in mortality among Chinese patients persisted even after adjusting for age, other demographics, and comorbidities (OR 1.44, 95% CI [1.035, 2.011], p=0.03)
35% of what? Common sense is that the death rate cannot be 35% of the Chinese American population. It can’t even be 35% of all Chinese Americans who contracted the virus. The claim is clear as mud.
这是在对纽约市今年3-5月份期间8万5千多名新冠患者的统计数据进行分析后得到的结果。其中的死亡率(mortality rate)是指住院新冠患者(即重症患者)中的死亡比率。那时的情况的确比较糟糕。CDC 的另一份研究报告也指出纽约市在疫情头三个月的20万新冠阳性患者中的死亡率(即CFR)是 9.2% 而住院病患中的死亡率高达 32.1% (wwwDOTcdcDOTgov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6946a2.htm)