“Despite the fact that the royal couple were cut off financially by "the firm," as Harry claimed in the interview, they still managed to rustle together enough cash to buy the $14.7 million château on the Santa Barbara coast in June. Harry said that money "my mum left me" helped buy the home.”
LLFDD 发表评论于 2021-03-11 09:24:30
如果多数英国人同情女王一家, 也可以理解。
有不同看法,更是正常。英国名嘴John Oliver早就预言了梅根的婚姻,她嫁入的是一个 “an emotionally stunted group of fundamentally flawed people doing a very silly, pseudo job.”的家庭。成为这个家庭“和谐”的一员的前题是同样去做愚蠢的虚假的工作。