评论: "到底是谁昏昏欲睡?" 拜登演讲 克鲁兹睡意正酣

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八哥 发表评论于 2021-04-30 14:07:44
俺严重失眠, 但看掰蹬演出时, 也差点睡着。 所以老拜 也不是一无是处。 看吧, 他准备让华尔街, 高新科技大佬们 交多少税。 估计又是, 卖嘴, 最后要么中产买单, 要么印钱, 全民买单
Robinlu 发表评论于 2021-04-30 12:11:41
zzbb-bzbz 发表评论于 2021-04-30 10:49:22
老哈哈 发表评论于 2021-04-30 10:33:23
Vote him out! A selfish, stubborn and greedy politician tried to steal the power from the people - no way, he could not win nomination in Republican Party because people know who he is; he almost lost his senate seat three years ago to some one had way less money and resources than him. Hispanic community will soon abandon him once Democrats find a hispanic candidate in Taxes. The blue collars, not rich guys, will not support a guy who does not know who truly are the people. You should serve them, do not just pretend representing them, dude! It would’ve true tough, that guy does often REPRESENT Taiwan and he should try to bid for the president there.
那夜的雨 发表评论于 2021-04-30 08:34:37
o88 发表评论于 2021-04-30 07:43:58
古龙 发表评论于 2021-04-30 06:01:00
phobos 发表评论于 2021-04-30 05:43:00
溪边木屋 发表评论于 2021-04-30 05:09:15
极度劳累时,走路都可以睡觉. 虽然疲倦, 但仍挣扎着保持清醒, 没错啊?

郁闷的我啊 发表评论于 2021-04-30 04:43:00
flygator 发表评论于 2021-04-30 04:37:00
克鲁兹没有底线 当川普把他的老婆和自己的老婆照片摆在一起嘲笑时 他依然跪舔川普
亮油 发表评论于 2021-04-30 03:39:24
“Miserable Son Of Bitch” by John Boehner.
还是老李 发表评论于 2021-04-30 03:38:18
kingofLiu 发表评论于 2021-04-30 02:05:26
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