最大的地主是 John Malone, 2百20万英亩, 第41名是 Kokernot Heirs,27万八千英亩。比尔盖茨最多只能排在第42名
1. John Malone
> Land area: 2,200,000 acres
> Roughly equal to: Half the size of Lake Ontario
John Malone is the largest private landowner in the United States. Malone made his fortune as a media tycoon, building the company Tele-Communications, Inc, or TCI, and acting as its CEO before selling it to AT&T for $50 billion in 1999. Malone’s 2.2 million acres are largely located in Maine, New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming and include profitable cattle ranches.
41. Kokernot Heirs
> Land area: 278,000 acres
> Roughly equal to: Three times the size of Detroit
The Kokernot family’s 06 Ranch brand registered in Texas since 1837. Both the family’s 06 Ranch and Leoncita Cattle Company ranch are in West Texas.