请大家帮助王骊山家人-捐款方式 hlzds***google "同主题阅读:请大家帮助王骊山家人-捐款方式" and you will find the page.
妻子(Lan Ma)患癌症在治疗中,有三个孩子,最大的在10年级,还有一个10岁,最小的7岁。事情发生后家里全面瘫痪,当地校友已经及时展开对家庭的援救和支持。我们希望王医生的家人能够度过难关。如果你能够帮助,请支票寄到下面的地址。如果有了其他的途径,我也会及时贴出来。
Ms. Lan Ma
c/o Shaohua Hu
1221 Nash Lee Dr. SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
hlzds 发表评论于 2010-04-28 22:14:59
请大家帮助王骊山家人-捐款方式 hlzds***google "同主题阅读:请大家帮助王骊山家人-捐款方式" and you will find the page.
妻子(Lan Ma)患癌症在治疗中,有三个孩子,最大的在10年级,还有一个10岁,最小的7岁。事情发生后家里全面瘫痪,当地校友已经及时展开对家庭的援救和支持。我们希望王医生的家人能够度过难关。如果你能够帮助,请支票寄到下面的地址。如果有了其他的途径,我也会及时贴出来。
Ms. Lan Ma
c/o Shaohua Hu
1221 Nash Lee Dr. SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
AlarmClock 发表评论于 2010-04-28 22:05:39
应该和辩护律师取得联系,And Send Out A AlarmClock***Message To The Public:Bullets don't Kill People。 Discrimination Kills People。 Doesn't Matter Who You Discriminate。
Who is guilty, who is not Ex_commu***It is very sad to see so many people have so much bias here. Yes, Dr Wong is not guilty until he is convicted, even we all know he killed the Indian doctor. On the other hand, everybody here already judged that the Indian doctor (or even all Indian) was guilty and deserved to be killed, without even knowing enough facts. We may heard the story from Dr Wong, but every story has two sides. Many times I am proud of being Chinese, but definitely not here, not now.
我同情和理解王医生(2)by passed help10***在我看来,王医生实际上已经是处于精神失常状态了。从新闻出来的第一时间我就估计王医生的目标不止一个的,果然后来的报道说他还带着其他两人的资料和很多子弹。
印巴人当program director的program根本就是地狱!
International medical graduate (IMG)能混到毕业的人心里都有一本难言的账。不是说每个毕业的住院医生都是出色的临床医生,但是可以说每一个毕业的住院医生肯定是人精!至少在某一方面它有过人的本领,哪怕是拍马屁的工夫!
培养住院医生的费用是从medicare出的。每一个人只有一次机会。就是说,你一旦进入了某一个specialty, medicare就已经把你纪录在案,不管你以后怎么换program,medicare 给你的经费是固定的。
比如,你进了pediatrics, 做了一年你不喜欢,想换到neurology, 难,因为pediatrics 是3年的,medicare 已经定给你最多3年的费用,而neurology是4年的,多出来的一年neurology program 所在的医院就要自己掏腰包,有多少医院愿意?如果是反过来从neurology换到pediatrics,从经费上是可行的,可是如果必须有第一个program的recommendation letter. 一个被fire的人,还有可能从program里拿到recommendation letter 吗?
很多program 只是not offer 2nd year contract, 而不是terminate contract, 而且还给第一年的credit,这样有些人还能在其他program找到位置,但是一旦被fire,基本上就没有机会了!
住院医生的第一年是最关键的,绝大部分program在第一年的下半年就决定是否offer 2nd year contract. 一旦过了第一年,基本上就安全了,除非严重的医疗事故,基本上不会比不了业的。
到目前为止,只看到2个理由:ICU当班时不回CALL和yell to peers!
我敢说,没有任何一个resident敢说我从来没有miss page!没有任何一个resident 敢说“I never yell to any body!”
什么是yelling ?
Residency training 就像军队,高年级欺负第一年级是天经地义的!有哪个1st year intern没有被senior yell过?!决对没有!
Miss paging 更是常见。Resident最hate的就是paging!
如果别人找你麻烦,最容易的就是说你delay or did not answer paging!
想一想,如果你在1分钟内受到3个paging, 你可能同时回吗?
如果你在care patient,比如,在导尿或者是做某一个操作的时候,你能回paging 吗?
为什么miss page的当时program没有说什么而是后来才提出来miss call? 一面之词就这么信了?
去industry? 一个background check 就过不了关,更不用说recommendation from program。
又想起当年去KBJMC面试时问chief resident 的问题:“if we have questions in patient care, whom should we ask?”
Here is the answer “first, read your book, second, read your book, final, talk to your upper year”
we should help him quchina***We should help him and also help our self -Chinese
I had been a physician in China for ten years, and have been a researcher in U.S.A for 10 years. Now I am working in hospital of U.S.A. I had some experience and heard of some almost same stories like Dr. Wang. I really understand why he use this bad way to let the mess even worse may be he did not just for revenge, he wanted some people or medical community to realize and to be alert what had happened which should not be if they treated him/other Chinese residents fairly. No body wants to come to U.S.A to kill some bodies; they want better life and future for him/herself, family and our Country. The board exam and resident training program are very tough and you can not image out how tough it is if you don’t have that experience and it is not like you say you just work harder, do what they want and listen to them always. If you met a bad person/they discriminate /or they think you are a person has more knowledge and capacity and to be a challenger of them (almost all Chinese residents have been doctors in China, except have accent English weakness), they will kick you out no matter how well you did, they always try to find bone in the egg.
Some body may be say no clap with out two hands. But if one hand to hit the other one that still can make a clap sound. I don’t think any Chinese residents would make his/herself life in a risk to run away from his duty time especially in Hospital except he/she really has mental problem, it might be misunderstanding in some where or has some reasons.
Actually the same issues-discrimination exist every where not only in medical field. Recently there are several Chinese were killed by African American without any reason. Why that’s happened? Is it normal? No! It is discrimination. Why they don’t kill Caucasian or African American? They know they will get a severe punishment but kill a Chinese they might get a light punishment or even nothing.
This is a tragedy for him, for his family, for us - Chinese. We have to set up a community let every one know where they can go to ask for help, and who can help them instead of let them go to church (some people go there just for seeking help and pretend to be a Christian) or they think the sky is falling down and no way to resolve the problem. We should have our own Chinese community to help our self. Such as: to help the new people to settle down; to help each other when we meet some problems in different fields and conditions, to express our sound if something is going wrong, to show our power, to learn from each other and to be strong together, let our whole Chinese community to go together and stronger instead of handful sand.
I hope some friends of Dr. wang’s will set up the account and in charge of account legally, we can donate money for Dr. Wang’s family, and also to set up an account in charged by some person to help some Chinese met some tragedy in U.S.A. later. We have to express some sound from us to supplies some evidences that how difficult and discriminations we have met in hospital and somewhere else to support Dr. wang’s experience. We have to let the news reporter to know more than just Dr. wang’s case, some more cases had happened before and may be later, we hope this kind of thing will be resolved fairly before some tragedy has happened.
maitland msa640***You are loosing the point. This is happened in US, not China. The time you described is not the same as the guy who lives in. Some people here are very strange. No one knows what they are talking about.