Under the CCP, China became a pariah in the international community. Its cover-up of the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak has brought disaster to the world causing death toll to millions. The world must push China back to be behind its borders to prevent future disasters that China is working on.
我说一个真事告诉大家黑客有多可怕。去年我公司被黑客黑了80万美金货款。此人/组织黑进我公司客户的系统并长期潜伏,直到我们电汇转账时冒出客户财务部,通知我公司财务人员收款账号有变动。我公司及客户公司的财务人员犯了一连串的错误,没有核查。直到一个亚洲相貌的人走进南卡州的一家银行要求把他早先黑到手的80万美金转账到P. R. X国,那天当班的柜员多了一心眼儿给我公司打电话核对,此黑客匆忙逃跑。万幸钱保住了,财务部开除了两人,现在的电脑系统重新安装的