China/CCP/M/X needs enemies and the more the better since they can spread hatred to let people under their control. For 100 years, they listed so many enemies - domestic rich people and Chinese government ( 1989.6.4 until now). Without enemies CCP would be overthrown and died, and nobody cares about Chinese's future and everything/anything CCP did and doing is to maintain his own control and power, period!
的确德奥背靠背,被奥拖死。现在是天朝是否被俄熊拖下水去的关键时刻。目前的确在实施“战略模糊”。一方面派大量技术人员去俄推广Union Pay系统,另一方面无法与被制裁的俄大银行合作(不然就会被拖下水遭到制裁铁拳)。但长此以往是否一直有高超的战略智慧令人担忧。