jinzhengping:知道老欧洲称乌克兰人为“黑色德国人”的由来吗?因为一些乌克兰人也参与了纳粹在东欧对犹太人的大屠杀。据德国历史学家Dieter Pohl举证,大约有10万乌克兰人加入了警察部队,向纳粹提供关键援助。还有许多人在当地的官僚机构任职,或帮助大规模枪击犹太人。许多乌克兰人也是看守德国纳粹死亡集中营的卫兵,比如臭名昭著的特雷布林卡的恐怖伊凡(Ivan der schreckliche)
Ukrainians are indeed fighting in the frontline against Russian aggression for the world. Russia and China, aka the Axis of Evil, are posing the biggest threat to the world peace since the end of the WWII. To protect our freedom and prosperity, we must support Ukraine. Make a donation today!