若然信了普世,不懂逻辑不说,还不能阅读中文。here is what I said,it is even in your quote, “俺不同意。反对一切侵略战争,包括俄罗斯侵略乌克兰。”。 您能从这句话得出“ 你要是觉得俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的理由充分”的结论,您的逻辑不是体育老师教的吧?就纳闷,您为何只回答了普京的侵略。而有意忽略了普世老大的更多,更残忍的侵略战争。别告诉俺,信了普世必虚伪,双标?这是俺原来的问题,“ 反对一切侵略战争,包括俄罗斯侵略乌克兰,和以wmd谎言侵略伊拉克,用禁飞区谎言侵略利比亚,以白头盔摆拍为借口轰炸叙利亚,以种族灭绝谎言侵略南联盟,造成被侵略国家人民几十万死亡,上千万难民的侵略战争。阁下?”
网迷 发表评论于 2022-05-07 22:41:01
In the lion’s world, it’s common for a young male to challenge the king of a pride in order to take over. China is like that nomad male lion that thinks it now has the strength to dethrone the US, aka the lion king. Now is the time for the king to deliver that powerful blow and send the challenger packing.
roliepolieolie 发表评论于 2022-05-07 15:31:00
A small scale military conflict between the US and China in South China Sea is in the best interest of both countries. It may sound strange but it is true. Now the two countries are on a collision course and the outcome will be devastating for the world. A small battle in remote area at sea will result in the least casualties but will settle pecking order for decades to come. I am confident the US will beat China hands down.