评论: 地球最大一次爆炸 将史上最大水量送上对流层…

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Sunset_beach 发表评论于 2022-08-05 11:17:06
老耒 发表评论于 2022-08-04 20:11:39
Premonition about the sudden change of stress field before the eruption of Tonga volcano

Jicheng Gu

(GU Institute of Earthquake Prediction)


A large earthquake with M=6.9 occurred @ 2022-01-08 01:45:30 (Local Time) in Qinghai, China. According to Gu 's theory, we are making predictions on the sequence development trend and strong aftershocks of this earthquake, and in advance, in the evening of 01-09, we have officially successfully predicted the followed strong aftershock: a strong aftershock with M3.0+ would occur at 5:41 AM on following morning of 01-10. The result was a strong aftershock with M3.1 really occurred at 6:18AM on the next day. Just after this prediction was successful, when we continued to track, we found that the large-scale stress field had abruptly changed. And it is proposed to be careful that there will be another large event in the next 3-5 days due to the tectonic stress unusually increased. As a result, a Tonga eruption occurred on the 14th and 15th. This did not happen in Qinghai. But it is likely to be the precursor of the impending earthquake before the volcanic eruption in the large-scale stress field of plate tectonics outside Qinghai.

中国青海在1/8 发生了6.9级大震,我在美国根据USGS的有限资料, 在1/9号晚上正式预报(官方发布)内容是 :
1) 这是主震已经到。这里不会再有7级以上大地震。这个是主震-余震形式;
2)10号早晨5:41 会有一个震级M=3.0+的强余震。

结果在10号上午6:18 发生了M=3.1 强余震。 非常成功!!
之后,继续追踪, 发现11号开始远方应力场突然增加。破坏我的理论曲线规律。于是感到3-5天内会有大事发生。 当时因为没有研究汤加。 没有对这一事件预报。这说明, 这种巨大的火山爆发前积累的应力场, 会在几天前在很大范围有反应。 可以用来预报。

有兴趣这请和我联系: Director, GU Institute of Earthquake Prediction,

weixin: 18579288673

peacemind2 发表评论于 2022-08-04 17:56:26
nowomannocry 发表评论于 2022-08-04 17:18:00
相信事实 发表评论于 2022-08-04 17:03:23
cys254 发表评论于 2022-08-04 16:21:52
Stratosphere 是 平流层, troposphere 才是对流层
zhangaa2008 发表评论于 2022-08-04 16:20:00
西雅图eagles 发表评论于 2022-08-04 16:12:29


囫囵 发表评论于 2022-08-04 15:53:00
阿留 发表评论于 2022-08-04 15:30:49
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