评论: 指特朗普及支持者精神病被炒 耶鲁前教授复职诉讼遭驳回

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Blueskyheaven 发表评论于 2022-09-04 05:44:38
exception1 发表评论于 2022-09-04 04:49:06
nightrider 发表评论于 2022-09-03 23:38:49
She got her just deserts.
悠悠清风 发表评论于 2022-09-03 21:50:00
老糊涂2 发表评论于 2022-09-03 21:19:30
Idado 发表评论于 2022-09-03 20:38:00
居家凡人 发表评论于 2022-09-03 20:19:15
401m 发表评论于 2022-09-03 19:32:45
wang5zhao6 发表评论于 2022-09-03 19:10:29
悟空是女的 发表评论于 2022-09-03 18:26:00
啥叫义务任职? 不拿钱的教授?切!
花和尚团 发表评论于 2022-09-03 18:18:00
转帖司令 发表评论于 2022-09-03 17:29:22
cwang28 发表评论于 2022-09-03 17:00:11
精神病叫兽看似像个苦出身的凤凰女 家里有被从国内搬过来的父母吃福利的吧
LRushBall 发表评论于 2022-09-03 16:33:15
shanghai70 发表评论于 2022-09-03 16:10:00
股隆 发表评论于 2022-09-03 15:49:15
voiceofme 发表评论于 2022-09-03 15:43:49
In 2017, Lee organized a conference at Yale on professional ethics surrounding the mental health of Donald Trump, with major luminaries of psychiatry such as Robert Jay Lifton and Judith Lewis Herman. She withheld her views at the conference,[7] but later she harshly criticized the American Psychiatric Association for what she said was a modification of the ethical guideline called the Goldwater rule, in order to silence concerns professional peers raised about the Trump presidency.[8] In March 2017, the association had reaffirmed the Goldwater rule and explained that it restricts comments related to the mental health of public figures without their consent or evaluation.[9] Lee says this was an alarming "amplification" of the rule which prompted her [10] to convening the conference the next month,[11] and later in the year editing The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, a book of essays warning about the dangers of Trump's mental instability that became a New York Times bestseller. She donated all revenues from the book to the public good to remove conflicts of interest and continued to collaborate with ethics specialists to keep with medical standards.[12] Nevertheless, in 2020, Yale University let go of her for breaking the Goldwater rule in her evaluations of Trump.[13] Lee had held a voluntary "clinical" position which is non-tenured. Lee says that 85 % of Yale's medical faculty are untenured. Lee sued Yale for violating her academic freedom,[14] but the suit was dismissed in August 2022.[15]
弯刀月 发表评论于 2022-09-03 15:23:00
dancinghorse 发表评论于 2022-09-03 15:18:51
此女倒是显露“妄想症迹象”, 义务任职。心理学家,精神病学家本身就有精神问题,或是近墨者黑,也受到传染。
弟兄姐妹 发表评论于 2022-09-03 14:48:00
第一次弹劾,罪名是通饿,川普大叫是希拉里指使人干的。这个并非妄想啊,FBI 公布了证据。精神科医生用专业骗人,职业道德=0
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