不对吧?应该是台湾将: 駐英國台北代表處 Taipei Representative Office in the UK。 改为 驻英格兰台湾代表处啊,Change to Taiwan Representative Office in the England.
这才符合台湾的立场嘛。 苏格兰民族英雄威廉·华莱士 是正经 “苏独”,不属于UK。(屈原是楚独不属于中国么?)
it will be 51 to 49%, not passing. Economically speaking; without England, Scotland’s economy will be in ruins. So it’s a pipe dream. The Scottish rebels has been trying since the days of Robert the Bruce. The people will choose to remain with England for practical reasons.
这才符合台湾的立场嘛。 苏格兰民族英雄威廉·华莱士 是正经 “苏独”,不属于UK。(屈原是楚独不属于中国么?)
弯刀月 发表评论于 2022-09-12 18:07:00