Hehe! Your "shuanghuang show" is playing like real, but they are not really! I honestly don't care if you 感到厌恶? After all, you have lost all your respect from all Chinese. You don't deserve it, period! Use one ID please!
直说好话 mxu12***You are dead wrong. Firstly, it is idiotic to compare 刘晓波 with 拉登. 拉登 is the common enemy of most nations while only the Chinese government hardliners and their running-dogs like you and captin do not like 刘晓波 (if you disagree, name me a few reasonable countries that opposite the Nobel peace prize for 刘晓波). Secondly, even if you are for 拉登, you can still voice your opinion openly, for example, by using your own blog, etc; and you don't need to worry to be put into prisons. In China, it is totally different.
Ask whyami 五毛整***Why do you keep saying that powerovergamec, 我说的是屁话, shu007a, 亮油, la90210, kobe00, 思魅, 地球客旅, 吻假包
are the same person? Do you have any evidence? You can check their IP addresses?
While I agree that all of them are anti-China jerks, I don't think they are the same person,
they do show different levels of ignorance and stupidity.
ChineseDoc 发表评论于 2010-10-17 13:43:15
to: Why am I ChineseDoc***虽然这不代表我支持你所反对的人
ChineseDoc 发表评论于 2010-10-17 13:41:07
to: Why am I ChineseDoc***坦白地说, 对你的发言及你对他人的"攻击"感到厌恶
shu007a 发表评论于 2010-10-17 12:56:38
to: Why am I shu007a***After all, you can choose to live in the way you like. Don't worry about this unless you return to China. Generally, democracy is not perfect so everybody living in the democratic countries should be careful with the right you have and look at your government closely. Only in China people are told that whatever the government does is not to be challenged. Each country/party has its history with dark and bright sides. Only the communist party said it did everything perfectly. - The end.
whyami 发表评论于 2010-10-17 12:35:44
By the way, whyami***demoncratic countries have done a lot of evil things such as invading weak countries non stop!
whyami 发表评论于 2010-10-17 12:30:31
shu007a, mxu12, Oktober01, 糖醋鱼 whyami***Hehe! Your mind is messed up. If Norway is a democratic country, why doesn't allow people to speak out? Who wrote the news anyway. It's your father in law, hehe!
shu007a 发表评论于 2010-10-17 12:19:14
to: whyami shu007a***你还不简单呀。没有想到今天党培养出来的女士也能这样说话,不亚于当年的红卫兵。红朝还是能支撑一阵的。
mxu12, Oktober01, 糖醋鱼, whyami***powerovergamec, 我说的是屁话, shu007a, 亮油, la90210, kobe00, 思魅, 地球客旅, 吻假包 ----------------------- Chicken blood is still effective. It makes you delusive and believe that you can represent the "whole world." Haha! By the way, use one ID please!
20国集团 mxu12***You are wrong. China cares a great deal about Nobel prizes, although may not be the peace prize :) The government even set it as a national goal for its education. The Americans win almost half of the Nobel prizes every year, very few people talk about it. If it was in China, you can't imagine how they would celebrate.
To 糖醋鱼 地球飘流汉***“孙中山推翻清朝政府,现在怎么没人说他是汉奸呢?”----孙中山提倡三民主义,口号是驱除鞑虏,恢复中华。三民主义之一是民族主义,孙是民族主义者,恢复的是中华民族的历史地位。刘晓波是汉奸卖国贼、异族人的走狗,要求我们中华民族做西方异族人的殖民地。简言之:孙中山是民族主义者,刘晓波是民族主义者的敌人;孙中山不是汉奸,刘晓波是汉奸。两者根本就不能相提并论。刘晓波只能和汪精卫相提并论,都是异族人(东、西方洋人)的走狗。