Omicron致死率仅0.1% = 1.4 Billion people -> 1.4 million people! Crazy government and crazy management? China should Not spend so much money and people to QingLing, but should spend more money on drug, devices/ICU/Hospital and medical workers and "Open" slowly! I hope some people investigate hoe much money those YuanShi and government officials in charge of the pandemic made during these 3-4 years, including 钟南山! They must made huge money already now!
The so-called Chinese experts are flipping flopping the coronavirus narrative, following the irrational changes their dictator makes. These idiots’ job is not to serve the public with their medical knowledge, but to justify the dictator’s every decision, no matter how ridiculous or contradicting these decisions are.
您提供的网站俺查到的是404。您不是眼花吧?少看了个“万”字?如果不是编造的话?俺查到的中国流感的年死亡人数都是数以万计。而非阁下所说的屈指可数。给您一个reference ******zhihu***/question/371604750
一项研究揭露出了中国过高的流感死亡率。近日,发表在《柳叶刀·公共卫生》上的一篇论文,分析了中国 2010年-2011年到2014年-2015年间的流感死亡率。中国每年8.8万人死于流感 。
柳小波 发表评论于 2022-12-11 06:26:24 厉害国官方数据: