还是没有reference。俺说的是坦克和飞机,完全肯定租借法案的大量物资。飞机您完全没提到,那就是没有了!是信口开河了。as always,本城普世们的共性。坦克您提到了,但没有reference。也没有型号。像上次一样。就是一个statement。这不是正是俺要求reference的原因吗?还是零reference,right?等于啥也没说不是?呵呵。see,as I expected。
不好吃懒做 发表评论于 2023-02-01 17:23:43
Russian should work hard to make some progress for his "MianZi" when one year anniversary of war coming.
俄国还是二战的风格? - What an idiot joke from an idiot. USSR got 10,000 airplanes and 7,000 tanks from American during WWII and nothing from American now. Ukraine got lots from NATO countries.
Russian should work hard to make some progress for his "MianZi" when one year anniversary of war coming.
俄国还是二战的风格? - What an idiot joke from an idiot. USSR got 10,000 airplanes and 7,000 tanks from American during WWII and nothing from American now. Ukraine got lots from NATO countries.
走遍北美的小猫 发表评论于 2023-02-02 11:19:00 援苏坦克:1.3万多辆,援苏舰船 400多艘,战争期间,美英还为苏联海军提供了1196部雷达和329部声呐。此外,盟国还向苏联提供了许多其他作战物资,包括42万多辆卡车和吉普车、8700多辆拖拉机、8218门防空炮、5800多门反坦克炮、4.7亿多发(枚)子弹(炮弹)、32万多吨炸药、1981辆机车和35万多台机床等。