you guys should check out the bard demo vs. bing demo. the new bing is much better in terms of the all-round answers and more sophisticated languages. bard also does not feel as personal, while bing sounds more like a human and can understand your needs better. I bet on the new bing.
过去20年,Google与微软bing的搜索引擎大战,Google 占83%市场份额,而bing 只占8%份额。Google retains an 83.84% share of the global market, although this has fallen from 89.95% in the past three years; during the same timeframe, Bing's share has risen from 3.99% up to 8.88%。
未来20年, 已经上线的ChatGPT 与即将上线的Google Bard会继续争夺AI时代的市场,拭目以待