谁能定义发达大国应该长啥样? 像美国一样吗? 如果世界上的事,强调一定要进入ideal state 再干,恐怕会一事无成。
heshi118 发表评论于 2023-03-09 07:38:00
文笔好 有四五时快辣但无当下之多空空… in brief 同意楼上 主要矛盾没先整明晰… 99南联盟-911反恐 多事纷争时遑论大国论…有些超前有些学究 但是全文不必看完 对的或可牛叉的pre-define or 预测… 实庙堂之才 应在那位余先生之上…… 今居草堂云旧时云…为民 解忧 解忧不能只杜康…
不好吃懒做 发表评论于 2023-03-09 07:09:58
All those BS experts and theories just make China's bad situation much worse, like so many sanctions against China now. China is much weaker than US in all hard and soft power areas like economy, military, sci-tech, cultural background, etc. and American has NATO, Euro, etc. China's challenge to US is a BAD dream, and Good Time for China is over now and 5/10/20 years China will be much worse than today - let us watch.