有人说,封口费是小事一桩,至于因为起诉前总统吗。 1. 其实在2018年联邦检查官因封口费违法联邦选举财务法起诉川普的私人律师科恩的时候,检控官认为这是非常严重的罪。 "Cohen'
s crimes are particularly serious because they were committed on the eve of a presidential election and they were intended to affect that election" "In this process, Cohen deceived voting public by hiding alleging facts that he believed would have had a substantial effect on the election."(科恩的罪行特别严重,因为他们是在总统选举前夕犯下的,而且他们的意图是影响选举”“在这个过程中,科恩通过隐瞒他认为会对选举产生重大影响的事实来欺骗投票的公众”) 2) 联邦检查官明确指出,证据证明科恩是受川普指示并和川普一起支付封口费的。 科恩因此坐了3年牢。 从法律上,科恩是从犯。 而主犯却不负责任。
也是首位两次选举,都 lost popular votes 的总统、首位被弹劾过两次的总统
They have the right and reason to sue Trump, that's it. All other factors are BS. If a black is arrested and he says it's racial discrimination, what do you think?
s crimes are particularly serious because they were committed on the eve of a presidential election and they were intended to affect that election" "In this process, Cohen deceived voting public by hiding alleging facts that he believed would have had a substantial effect on the election."(科恩的罪行特别严重,因为他们是在总统选举前夕犯下的,而且他们的意图是影响选举”“在这个过程中,科恩通过隐瞒他认为会对选举产生重大影响的事实来欺骗投票的公众”) 2) 联邦检查官明确指出,证据证明科恩是受川普指示并和川普一起支付封口费的。 科恩因此坐了3年牢。 从法律上,科恩是从犯。 而主犯却不负责任。