China is stronger in military in all areas (even reserved force) but Mao said " small country can beat big country and weak country can beat strong country" and "Good country gets lots of helps and bad country gets no helps", so look at what happens in Ukraine. Taiwan needs thousands or tens of thousands missiles (anti-air and anti-ship) to defense and CCP can not win without >250K Army landed in Taiwan which mainly needs ships while the ships need protect from air force.
多少同意。中国的政策就是以最大的诚意和耐心追求和平统一。个人观点,台湾不进行法理台独,也就是更改国号(比如从republic of China to republic of Taiwan)
dong140 发表评论于 2023-05-14 04:03:06
橡皮潜艇 发表评论于 2023-05-14 03:12:36
了大侠独孤求败 发表评论于 2023-05-14 00:57:43
多少同意。中国的政策就是以最大的诚意和耐心追求和平统一。个人观点,台湾不进行法理台独,也就是更改国号(比如从republic of China to republic of Taiwan)
多少同意。中国的政策就是以最大的诚意和耐心追求和平统一。个人观点,台湾不进行法理台独,也就是更改国号(比如从republic of China to republic of Taiwan),不更改宪法国家固有领土(包括中华民国自由地区和大陆地区),美军不成建制驻扎台湾,中国就不会梧桐花开。但过了这个底线,就由反分裂法约束了。