评论: 马斯克的“脑机接口”,获批人体实验!

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Yu-Yuan17 发表评论于 2023-05-28 07:27:49
roliepolieolie 发表评论于 2023-05-28 06:03:00
Neuralink’s monkey demo has shown that it could correctly interpret and record human brain signals. If it can take one step further by turning it into two way communication, the unthinkable could happen. We could all become Shakespeare, Einstein or possess the knowledge of college professors of any subject INSTANTLY without having to spend years to acquire the knowledge gradually. All it takes is to dump that knowledge thru the interface to our brains. What AI is doing now is to aggregate human knowledge to make them ready for a brain dump. The future is exciting and, scary.
不允许的笔名 发表评论于 2023-05-28 04:23:17
退齋 发表评论于 2023-05-27 20:57:45

Coupled with the breakthrough in AI
Coupled with breakthroughs in AI...

莫名其妙。He meant exactly what he said, the very specific breakthrough is called singularity. 和美式不美式有什么关系?我看你是拉不出来硬挤。这里是美国网站,留言的大多生活在美国,不用美式英语用中式英语么?
aluminiums 发表评论于 2023-05-28 01:38:00
voiceofme 发表评论于 2023-05-27 21:54:00
cxyz 发表评论于 2023-05-27 20:13:24
roliepolieolie 发表评论于 2023-05-27 19:44:00
Neuralink’s brain/machine interface will be a big deal for human advancement. Coupled with the breakthrough in AI, it will transform our lives in unimaginable ways.
不好吃懒做 发表评论于 2023-05-27 19:40:26
Wow, I would like to try!
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