1) 疫情表现糟糕,佛罗里达死亡率,比民主党州长的纽约州高
2) 在教育方面,佛罗里达州在全国排名最差,而在犯罪统计数据方面,佛罗里达州在谋杀案中排名第三,在强奸案中排名第三,在严重袭击案中排名第三,”特朗普说。“到 2022 年,杰克逊维尔被列为最差的城市之一美国排名前 25 位的主要犯罪城市,坦帕和奥兰多的表现也好不到哪儿去"
"For COVID Death Rates Per State, Ron, as Governor of Florida, did worse than New York.""In Education, Florida ranks among the worst in the Country and on crime statistics, Florida ranked Third Worst in Murder, Third Worst in Rape, and Third Worst in Aggravated Assault," Trump said. "For 2022, Jacksonville was ranked as one of the Top 25 Major Crime Cities in the Country, with Tampa and Orlando not doing much better…"