Although each ASEAN member is small and weak, they more than make up in numbers to stand up against China's bullying.
If China does not back off, ASEAN could seek cooperation with the US and/or other powers in the region such as Japan and Australia or QUAD and AUKUS to give it an upper hand.
是的。所以中国在世界各大洋建立数百军事基地,军舰在全世界到处耀武扬威,平均每天数艘军舰在他国近海展示航行霸权。每天数架军机在他国近岸低近侦查,耀武扬威。甚至有不愿被bully,就撒个谎,公开侵略占领。您sure 肿么干的是21世纪木有打过一场战争,以和平共处五项原则为外交原则的土共?还是其他什么国家?想必您是坚决反对这样把全世界,全宇宙当作自己的殖民地的国家。才有这种感慨是吧?