评论: 拍案称奇!两村民因“擅自组织端午划龙舟”被警方拘留

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charley-ca 发表评论于 2023-06-12 13:23:23
在美国的河流上组织活动也是需要申请许可的。 比如加州的河流,有的是属于州里的, 有的是属于联邦政府的,需要根据河流的归属去向州政府或者联邦政府申请 Permit。

下面是 ChatGPT 提供的在加州河流上组织体育活动应该怎样申请许可的信息:

To organize a sports event on a California river, it is advisable to contact the appropriate authorities to inquire about the necessary permits. Here are a few agencies that might be involved:

Local Authorities: Contact the local county or city government agencies responsible for managing the specific section of the river where you plan to hold the event. They can provide information about local regulations, permits, and any specific requirements or restrictions.

State Agencies: The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and the California State Parks are often involved in regulating activities on rivers. Depending on the nature of the event, you may need permits related to fishing, boating, or the use of state parks along the river.

Federal Agencies: If the event takes place on a river that falls under federal jurisdiction, such as a designated Wild and Scenic River or a river managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or the U.S. Forest Service, you may need permits from the appropriate federal agency.
百家争鸣2012 发表评论于 2023-06-12 09:51:35
挺没劲 发表评论于 2023-06-12 08:49:00
yshen05 发表评论于 2023-06-12 08:29:00
smithmaella 发表评论于 2023-06-12 08:24:34
InNorthTexas 发表评论于 2023-06-12 08:15:12
大号蚂蚁 发表评论于 2023-06-12 07:56:37
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