留出一定的比例,比如说5%,对于特别族裔,特定收入的家庭,给予倾斜,任何人都是可以接受的。那样华人的孩子可以不用那么内卷而被培养成做题家。谁说华人就一定不能成为领袖?如果华人的孩子改变思路,习惯于西方文化中的you fake it until you make it. 华人会比印度人更出色,因为华人的DNA里面还有脚踏实地的一面。
I don't really care. Like what the article stated, most people cannot afford going to Harvard anyway. Also, is it really good for kids from middle class and lower income families to go to a very preppy college? I doubt it. Kids can certainly make do or do well without going to such institutions. Life isn't just about going to college. In this country Harvard and its alike has its limitations. It can only offer you that much as a good start. The rest is on you. To most people it's totally irrelevant for their success. Think about how many people actually go to these schools? And how many actually do well in life without affiliating with these famous brands. Unless you strive to be the President of the United States or some big wigs in politics,it's useless on your resume.
都是历史上被歧视被压迫的族裔,血泪铁路建筑者、排华法案受害者的后代子孙,凭什么要让渡自己努力得来的优质入学、入职资格给所谓 slaves 的后代?跟 Slavery 没半分钱关系的加州,居然要让如今的纳税人出巨款,赔偿不知从哪里迁入的所谓Slaves的孙子的孙子的孙子...,那跟加州脱不开干系的太平洋铁路华工和1882年的排华法案牵扯其中的华人后裔,不少世代定居加州至今,岂不才是最名正言顺该获得赔偿的人?!