Who said that are conspiracy theories that have been debunked many times? Fake news media? You sound like you are brainwashed by liberal media's lies.
If dems' party and Biden were confident they won, why did they try everything they could to stop Americans from looking into 2020 election?
So far there's no court that really takes the case and looks into all the evidences.
When votes were more than registered voters in the counties Biden won, anyone with a brain knows what happened.
Four days ago, Michigan police found tens of thousands of fake voter registrations, bags of pre-paid gift cards, guns with silencers, burner phones, and a democrat-funded organization with multiple temporary facilities in several states in a massive 2020 voter fraud bust.
Remember CNN's poll shows majority of Americans believe Biden is illegitimate president.
川老儿作为Putin的马仔,安插的mole,差点颠覆美国民主百年基业,沦为恶罗斯的puppet,罪大恶极,不可饶恕,却至今被MAGA党势力保护,逍遥法外,令美国蒙羞。Justice may be delayed but is never denied. 赶快把这破老儿和他的玛噶党一个冲天炮送到莫斯科去,they belong to that shithole.
Seems you're just repeating the conspiracy theories that have been debunked many many times. Please explain, with so much "evidence" of election "fraud", why Trump and his co-conspirators have lost almost all of the 63 election lawsuits.
voting machines and suitcases in the middle of the night and china wire tapping hundreds of thousands of votes, and mules, and media outlets covering up the bad stories and election workers putting up cardboard over the windows (live on tv)? all in the swing states.
Trump won 2,447 counties. Obama won 873. Biden was said to win 477 counties. Yet, they say Biden got 15 million more votes than Obama. They want us to believe Biden was more popular than Obama. Somebody is lying. Biden is a complete fraud. People are dying in Ukraine right now because of election fraud in this country.
No fraud? Really? Biden bragged about having the “most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” and algorithms programmed in voting machines and suitcases in the middle of the night and china wire tapping hundreds of thousands of votes, and mules, and media outlets covering up the bad stories and election workers putting up cardboard over the windows (live on tv)? all in the swing states.
Human and drug trafficker's were making $500 million in 2018. Now they are making $13 Billion under Biden. Biden made illegal businesses in Mexico Great Again, while driving the USA into a recession. Who votes for such liberal failure?
Go watch the Absolute Series, Cyber Symposium, Moment of Truth all on Frank Speech. Elections in the USA are rigged. President Trump is telling the truth. The voting fraud was massive. We even watched voting fraud live on tv, when poll workers through out the poll watchers and installed cardboard up to the windows. All of the liberal networks are lying just like they did with the Russian Collusion lie, the origins of Covid 19 lie, the southern border is secure lie, the 2020 riots were peaceful, lie, etc. Democrats are lying and covering it all up. Biden is a complete fraud causing millions of deaths worldwide.
We know exactly why we support President Trump. Trump policies kept us out of war, brought jobs back, reduced our taxes, funded historically black colleges, improved the environment, lowered our taxes, made NATO allies pay their fair share, deported gang members. Under Trump, we had prosperous America and peaceful world!
Trump will win 2024 in a landslide victory. That's what will happen.
树没皮怎办 发表评论于 2023-08-15 14:06:53
Counties vary by population, so county wins don't correlate with the popular vote
Ultimately, the fact that Biden and Obama were victorious in a relatively small number of counties is not relevant to their popular vote numbers.
That's because there is an incredible amount of variance in county population size, per a report by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Some counties have minuscule populations – for example, Hawaii's Kalawao County has just 88 residents, and Texas' Loving County has 169 residents.
Other counties have enormous populations – for example, California's Los Angeles County has 10.1 million residents, and Illinois' Cook County has 5.2 million residents.
The same 2017 report by the U.S. Census Bureau found that more than half of the U.S. population lives in just 143 counties, or 4.3% of all counties.
Therefore, it's plausible that Joe Biden set a popular vote record by carrying only 509 counties, or 17% of all counties.
Re: OceanCityGuy. Are you brain dead or low IQ? It's Bdien and Dems' party that stole 2020 election. The whole world knows that.
Here are the numbers on the counties.
Trump won 2447 counties
Obama won 873 counties
Biden won 477 counties
Numbers don't lie. Biden won 2020 election with the least counties in the history, but with the most votes in history. In the counties he won, votes were more than registered voters. If you have any common sense, would you still think 2020 election wasn't stolen?
Over 70% American believe Biden is illegitimate president per CNN's poll .
I will vote for Trump 3rd time! You, communist 50 cents and human trash, go back to China where you belong.
TinaW 发表评论于 2023-08-15 12:16:53
Vote for Trump to save America from become a 3rd world country.
You must be joking.
It is trump who has been trying to destroy America's democratic and fair election and to turn the US to a 3rd world country such as North Korea, where a dictator is above the laws.