Hello Guys, Freedom of speech does not means that you can be rude, dirty or nasty to others. Please do not pollute the Wenxue City with dirty and nasty comments or lies. The Wenxue City would be hopeless and trusted by nobody when it is full of dirty and nasty words or lies.
Hello Guys, Freedom of speech does not means that you can be rude, dirty or nasty to others. Please do not pollute the Wenxue City with dirty and nasty comments or lies. The Wenxue City would be hopeless and trusted by nobody when it is full of dirty and nasty words or lies.
To smart123: 什么叫新疆的恐怖袭击是针对政府不是针对平民?! 在乌鲁木齐大巴扎(也就是民族市场)购物的汉族人是政府代表吗?在街上行走的老百姓是政府代表吗?2008年的七五事件死了几百这样手无寸铁的老百姓,你居然为这样的恐怖袭击来洗白,只能说不是傻就是坏。中国政府最应该反思的是过去过于怀柔的政策。对维族各种的优惠宽容,从生孩子到犯罪量刑,允许大量修建清真寺,维族学生可以不学中国的官方语言,不鼓励汉族娶维族以保护他们的民族发展等等。给了境外势力渗透的机会。现在又矫枉过正地采取强硬的手段,强制参加学习营,想通过强制学习“党的政策“来给他们洗脑,如果这就是你说的“镇压”。