共和党的老牌政治人物 Nikki Haley 说了实话:
“No one is telling the American people the truth,” Haley said. “Biden didn’t do this to us, our Republicans did this to us, too, when they passed that $2.2 trillion Covid stimulus bill.”"
"没有人告诉美国人民真相,“拜登并没有对我们这样做(指政府支出),而是共和党人在通过 2.2 万亿美元的新冠刺激法案时这样做了。"
最新消息,在刚刚共和党的秘密投票中,乔丹彻底丧失了作为议长候选人的资格。 下面看共和党会推出什么候选人。
Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio lost an internal vote to continue as his party’s nominee for speaker on Friday, plunging the House into further uncertainty and sending Republicans searching for a new leader.
The vote came hours after Mr. Jordan failed for a third time to win election as House speaker, leaving his party with no consensus on a way forward and the chamber paralyzed in the face of growing pressure to get back to business.