JOB INSECURITY 是美国建国的精髓.资本家可以无限压低工资,无法老有所养.普通百姓生活质量自从80年代来一直在节节败退因为DISPOSABLE INCOME 在降低.很多公司取消PENSION.只有高科技领域的高工资可以替代PENSION . 因为有余钱投资医生有退休金的也多,工资也高.其他行业的百姓等着被生存的压力淘汰吧.(读一下DEATHS OF DESPAIR AND THE FUTURE OF CAPITALISM).
The older people never stopped working. So they didn't come back to work at 75!
Making more money daily is never a bad thing, especially when you don't know how long you can live up to.
Actually the day you stop working is probably the end of your life. Because you're no longer a viable person but someone waiting for the hospice!
There are lots of things elders can do. And there's the law against age discrimination. You can't refuse to hire a person based on the age. This is the major difference between the U.S and China. You can say I can't hire you because you can't lift up 50lbs, but not because you're 50 years old.