I don’t care about China’s interference at all. They are now between a rock and a hard place. If they do, that will only add to their guilt list.
bluemoon1962 发表评论于 2024-04-07 13:01:03
树没皮怎办 发表评论于 2024-04-07 12:40:42
更正: 主张停止对乌克兰援助,解散北约,帮助普京
树没皮怎办 发表评论于 2024-04-07 12:39:28
这个是肯定的。这个坛子上明显有几位就是负有这个使命的。MAGA 分子不遗余力攻击美国的民主宪政制度,选举制度,司法制度,新闻自由,散布深层国家阴谋论,匿名者Q 阴谋论,美国被犹太人你索罗斯控制阴谋论,借口国内优先,主张停止对乌克兰援助,解散帮助普京。
国内的五-毛看到难逢的机会,冒充MAGA分子,冒充川粉,和川粉一唱一和,不遗余力攻击美国的民主宪政制度,选举制度,司法制度,新闻自由,散布深层国家阴谋论,匿名者Q 阴谋论,美国被犹太人你索罗斯控制阴谋论,借口国内优先,主张停止对乌克兰援助,解散帮助普京。
《纽约时报》(The New York Times)也于本周报导,“中国的秘密账户在网络上伪装成前总统川普的美国支持者,宣扬阴谋论,煽动国内分歧,并在11 月大选前攻击拜登总统“。
Yuankai2000 发表评论于 2024-04-07 12:34:47
roliepolieolie 发表评论于 2024-04-07 12:26:00
The American people want to see the next president to take an even stronger stance against China. It makes no difference, as far as China is concerned, who wins the election. As the president who fired the first shot at China, Trump will pick up where he left off if he gets elected. He promised to raise tariff on China to 60%. That is music to my ears.