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goldeyeball1 发表评论于 2024-08-27 18:12:19
exds 发表评论于 2024-08-27 18:09:36
prosecutor vs felon = 猫 vs 老鼠

哈哈姐 是 川胖 的天敌 哈 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lol

时光的酒 发表评论于 2024-08-27 15:37:00
贺三笑这智商就算fake news给她漏考题,她也答不利索。
Bhistory 发表评论于 2024-08-27 17:36:57

[Word heard – 24 August 2024]

This replacement puppet will misfire and go off script when you least expect it and these words that will proceed from her mouth will do catastrophic damage to your election and your plans moving this nation in the direction you wanted it to go. This puppet will not work for the end result you so desired. You had no choice for the time being, so you went with her and soon this decision you will regret even more than you do now. Your plans are backfiring on you. As I speak these words, no matter the plan moving forward, you lose your power and you will lose this nation.

Kamala you think you are safe from a coup against you and you are not. You will end up with the same fate as the Biden: Betrayed and Discarded. In the short time before this upcoming election, many things will come at you. Even your own party will not stop or try to prop you up enough to see you through it. You have hidden secrets you never wanted anyone to know about besides the ones that already hold you captive over it. Those skeletons are about to be released by your own party’s doing. You’re about to take a hit you will not be able to withstand the ramifications that will take place. Remember what you have sown with the Biden. That will happen to you. What you partook in against Trump, that same thing will happen to you. Do not get comfortable with your party’s support and in the news media on your side. This will also be short-lived. Your fall is coming and so is your removal saith the Lord of Hosts.

Another presidential debate disaster is about to take place. The puppet they picked will not perform the way they wanted her to. She’s not up for the fight and she will fail like the last puppet failed and humiliation will be the outcome.
Bhistory 发表评论于 2024-08-27 17:36:26
苏轼表妹 发表评论于 2024-08-27 15:08:59
Run4rest 发表评论于 2024-08-27 17:19:00
nyfan 发表评论于 2024-08-27 16:02:00
时光的酒 发表评论于 2024-08-27 15:37:00
贺三笑这智商就算fake news给她漏考题,她也答不利索。
SamYang 发表评论于 2024-08-27 15:32:19
Bhistory 发表评论于 2024-08-27 15:12:03

[Word heard – 24 August 2024]

This replacement puppet will misfire and go off script when you least expect it and these words that will proceed from her mouth will do catastrophic damage to your election and your plans moving this nation in the direction you wanted it to go. This puppet will not work for the end result you so desired. You had no choice for the time being, so you went with her and soon this decision you will regret even more than you do now. Your plans are backfiring on you. As I speak these words, no matter the plan moving forward, you lose your power and you will lose this nation.

Kamala you think you are safe from a coup against you and you are not. You will end up with the same fate as the Biden: Betrayed and Discarded. In the short time before this upcoming election, many things will come at you. Even your own party will not stop or try to prop you up enough to see you through it. You have hidden secrets you never wanted anyone to know about besides the ones that already hold you captive over it. Those skeletons are about to be released by your own party’s doing. You’re about to take a hit you will not be able to withstand the ramifications that will take place. Remember what you have sown with the Biden. That will happen to you. What you partook in against Trump, that same thing will happen to you. Do not get comfortable with your party’s support and in the news media on your side. This will also be short-lived. Your fall is coming and so is your removal saith the Lord of Hosts.

Another presidential debate disaster is about to take place. The puppet they picked will not perform the way they wanted her to. She’s not up for the fight and she will fail like the last puppet failed and humiliation will be the outcome.
一点小看法 发表评论于 2024-08-27 15:02:31

七点三十 发表评论于 2024-08-27 14:20:58
三笑没小抄,答不上来,得尴尬死。 川普还是饶了她吧。
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